Press releases

Making waves with new gravitational research

Researchers from the University of Nottingham have been awarded just over £500k to probe the darkest and most exciting corners of the universe with gravitational wave astronomy.

Researchers awarded £4m to improve adolescent mental health

Researchers from the University of Nottingham have been awarded £4m to examine the major societal challenge of building a safe and supportive online environment to protect and promote young people’s mental health.

Landmark change to blood donation eligibility rules on today’s World Blood Donor Day

New eligibility rules that will allow more men who have sex with men to donate blood, platelets and plasma come into effect this week, marking an historic move to make blood donation more inclusive while keeping blood just as safe.

Food Innovation Centre highlights the issue of food waste

One third of all food produced globally ends up as waste, which equates to millions of tonnes of food wasted around the world every year.

Funding boost for brain imaging in children with epilepsy

Researchers have been awarded almost £1m to use a wearable brain scanner to help pinpoint the source of epileptic seizures in children.

Student awarded grant from innovative Institute of Physics Research-scholarships fund

A physics student from the University of Nottingham has been awarded one of this year’s prestigious grants from the Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund.

Research goes to new depths in skin peptide study

Researchers have revealed for the first time that a peptide in a leading beauty product can penetrate the tough stratum corneum barrier of the skin.

First live theatre event at Lakeside Arts brings interaction and fun for all the family

The first live theatre event at Lakeside Arts is an interactive, sensory experience for children featuring robot technology to bring circus themed installations to life.

‘Postcode lottery’ of nutrient intake from crops revealed in new study

The amount of nutrients people get from the crops that they eat is a type of ‘postcode lottery’, according to new research that has analysed thousands of cereal grains and soils as part of a project to tackle hidden hunger in Malawi and Ethiopia.

Experts call for urgent action to prevent high rates of suicide in Autistic people

A team of autistic people, those who support them and researchers are calling for service providers and policy makers to take immediate action to prevent high rates of suicide amongst autistic people.
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