Press releases

Autism research leads to important change to suicide prevention policy

Research into autism and suicide has led to autistic people being included as a specific group in UK suicide prevention policy for the first time.

Academic receives Institute of Physics award for diversity and inclusion

An academic from the University of Nottingham has been recognised for contributions to diversity and inclusion within physics and the broader STEM community.

Rescued Victorian plant specimens inspire new exhibition

150-year-old plant specimens rescued from a skip and microscope slides found in forgotten cupboards are taking centre stage at a new exhibition organised by a third year University of Nottingham student.

Researchers take a quantum leap into drug development for muscle wasting disease

A team of researchers have been awarded over £1m to explore the capabilities of quantum computing for developing new drugs for myotonic dystrophy.

Leading UK scientists gather to celebrate the career of one of the founding physicists of MRI

Leading scientists and industry leaders joined University of Nottingham academics to celebrate the career of Professor Peter Morris.

Machine learning unravels mysteries of atomic shapes

New research has used machine learning to find the properties of atomic pieces of geometry, in pioneering work that could drive the development of new results in mathematics.

New research signals a quantum leap for brain tumour treatment

Researchers have discovered a new way to target and kill cancer cells in hard-to-treat brain tumours using electrically charged molecules to trigger self-destruction, that could be developed into a spray treatment used during surgery.

Keeping the ‘warm glow’ of giving going significantly boosts repeat blood donations

New research has shown that boosting the ‘warm glow’ feeling that people experience after giving blood significantly increases repeat blood donations, which are essential for the effective running of any health service.

Furthest ever detection of a galaxy’s magnetic field could unlock a mystery of the early Universe

Astronomers have detected the magnetic field of a galaxy so far away that its light has taken more than 11 billion years to reach us, providing astronomers with vital clues about how the magnetic fields of galaxies like our own Milky Way came to be.

Nottingham astronomer joins select team on international satellite launch

A Nottingham astronomer is one of only two UK scientists working on a new X-ray satellite, which aims to reveal new insights into the evolution of the Universe.
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