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School of Health Sciences

Assessment of a Patient's Level of Consciousness

Assessment of a Patient's Level of Consciousness


In this RLO, we have identified the different elements of the GCS and worked through examples of scoring patients with different scores. You have observed the measurement of the GCS and practiced interpreting and adding up the overall score. Please revisit any of the sections you wish to.


Title/Link Description
Headway - Brain Injury Association Headway is a registered charity organisation (number 1025852/SC039992) that works to improve life after brain injury.
Teasdale G (2014) Forty years on: updating the Glasgow Coma Scale. Nursing Times. 110, 42, 12-16
[Accessed 17/03/2015]
This article addresses the variations in technique that have developed since the scale was published. The details of the composition of the scale and its application are reviewed, and a structured approach to assessment set out. These provide a basis for standardising practice and ensure the scale is useful, in a practical sense, in the future.


  • EWS - Early Warning Score; An observation chart to help medical staff determine a patient's general condition based on a number of measurements through physiological readings.
  • GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale; An ongoing measurement tool for observing the level of consciousness of a patient.
  • LOC - Level of consciousness; Determination of a patient's responsiveness to particular stimuli within a given environment.
  • NUH - Nottingham University Hospitals
  • RLO - Resuable Learning Object; A multimedia resource designed to provide quality learning for a specific subject.
  • UoN - University of Nottingham


Special thanks go to Louise Barnes (Deputy Sister, Neurological Unit, NUH Trust), Jo Rutt and Mark Foss (University of Nottingham) as actors, David Pinnock (University of Nottingham) for the audio narration and Colleen McCants (Multimedia Graphic Artist) for her eye and brain image.


If you have time, we would be very grateful if you could fill in the brief questionnaire below. We very much welcome feedback, positive or negative, in order to improve this and future RLOs. Thank you very much for your support by undertaking this RLO.

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