Dr Andrew Wright from EPSRC delivering his talk
The scheme is funded by EPSRC for 2 years (EP/R025282/1) with the aim to catalyse development of materials science research through equipment and expertise sharing. NanoPrime is open to all researchers at Nottingham and other UK universities as well as industrial partners, facilitating access to the Nanoscale & Microscale Research Centre (nmRC).
141 delegates registered for the launch event, including UoN researchers at different stages of their career. Delegates attended from 14 organisations including industry and universities (Aston University, Keele University, Loughborough University, University of Birmingham, University of Cambridge, University of Leeds, University of Leicester, and University of Lincoln). The symposium programme included talks by research leaders in the field of nanomaterials, and by the Head of Capital Infrastructure at EPSRC and the VC of Aston University. Participants and visitors had opportunities for networking and visiting nmRC facilities.
NanoPrime is now open for applications with all essential information available on the nmRC webpages.
Posted on Wednesday 2nd May 2018