Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre

NMRC opening event and symposium

To mark the launch of the NMRC, we are holding an opening event and a symposium on ‘Low-Dimensional Materials’ 13:00-18:00 on 20th April 2016 in X1, School of Chemistry.  The symposium will be focused on the systems where energy or matter is confined at least in one of the three dimensions, and exhibit extraordinary electronic, optical, thermal, mechanical and chemical properties. The agenda for the meeting is now confirmed and we have an exciting line up of world leading scientists:


13.00     Low Dimensional Materials Symposium,  X1 Chemistry.

13.00     Welcome by Prof. Sir David Greenaway, VC University of Nottingham

13.10     Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart, FRS (Director of the Centre for Chemistry of Integrated Systems, Northwestern University, USA)

14.10     Prof. Ute Kaiser (Head of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science, University of Ulm, Germany)

15.10     Coffee & Research Posters & Tours of NMRC

16.00     Prof. Jeremy Baumberg, FRS (Director of NanoPhotonics Centre, University of Cambridge, UK)

17.00     Closing Remarks

17.10     Wine Reception (Foyer, School of Chemistry)


There a limited spaces available so please register please via this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nottingham-nanoscale-microscale-research-centre-launch-tickets-21308615643 to avoid missing out.

Posted on Friday 1st April 2016

Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre

Cripps South building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 748 6340
email: nmrcenquiries@nottingham.ac.uk