Rapid E-Learning: How To
Below are some simple 'HOWTOs' for producing rapid e-learning resources.
Powerpoint to Flash conversion
[MS Word version, 33kb]
Although the exact details regarding the Powerpoint to Flash conversion process differ from tool to tool and you will need to consult the help documentation for each, the basic steps required are similar and these are outlined here:
- Review your PowerPoint presentation. You may need to divide it up into a number of smaller packages. Students prefer this granular approach. You may need to add additional slides to complete you presentation for standalone delivery. You should use custom animations and slide transition options to refine you PowerPoint for web-delivery. Simple interactions can also be created using the Action Settings menus. You can use the notes function in PowerPoint to prepare a transcript of your narration. In some of the conversion interfaces, these notes can be displayed for the user.
- Record narration and synchronize this to the animation sequences you have created. The software allows you to record the audio on your own PC simply using a microphone, or you can record it in the SoN recording studio and import the resulting audio files.
- Add any interactive elements such as MCQs and simple learning games. Some of these come with the software, other come as additional kits – (eg www.raptivity.com
). You can also import web-links and Flash files.
- Customize the learner-interface that you wish to make available. Some software allows you to add logos, pictures of yourself or even video "talking heads".
- Publish your work. Again, you may be given options to optimize for different delivery media, such as the web, CD, etc.
- Consider making your materials available to others via the SONET site. You will need to contact us and we will ensure that independent quality control review(s) are carried out on your behalf. We will also undertake a technical audit to ensure that the materials you have included comply with copyright regulations. You will be asked to provide a brief description of the learning object and some key terms to describe it. The advantage is that you materials will be made widely available within the school and throughout UK HE.
- Consider how you are going to evaluate your materials. If you choose to publish on the SONET site, we will create and attach an online evaluation form to your learning object. A range of other evaluation tools can be downloaded from the RLO-CETL site.