School of Physics & Astronomy


Seminars Spring 2024

Seminars are organised by Swagat Saurav Mishra. Unless stated otherwise, seminars take place at 14.00 on Friday and are held (or for remote speakers, are streamed) in CAPT A113.

DateSpeaker                      Topic
Fri 12 Jan Thomas Steingasser (MIT, USA) Understanding the role of complex time in vacuum decay
Fri 26 Jan Arnab Saha (IISc, Bangalore, India) Field theory expansions of string theory amplitudes
Fri 2 Feb David Jackson (Independent) Generalised proper time as a unifying basis for particle physics and cosmology
Fri 9 Feb Nicolas Lecoeur (IJCLab, Orsay, France) Exact black hole solutions in higher-order scalar-tensor theories
Fri 16 Feb Haridev S.R (BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad, India) On the observer dependence of spontaneous symmetry breaking
Fri 23 Feb Amelia Drew (DAMTP, University of Cambridge) Radiation from cosmic strings with adaptive mesh refinement
Fri 1 Mar Sumanta Chakrabati (IACS, Kolkata, India) The conundrum of tidal Love number
Fri 8 Mar Thomas Colas (DAMTP, University of Cambridge) Open EFT in the early universe: dissipation and decoherence of cosmological inhomogenieties
Fri 15 Mar Karthik Rajeev (Higgs Centre, University of Edinburgh) Master formulae for N-photon tree-level amplitudes in plane wave backgrounds and beyond
Mon 18 Mar Priyanka Gawande (IUCAA, Pune, India) Gravitational lensing probes of dark matter
Fri 12 Apr Eiichiro Komatsu (Max Planck Institute, Garching, Germany) Parity violation in cosmology
Fri 19 Apr Paul McFadden (Newcastle University) IR divergences and de Sitter holography
3pm Thu 25 Apr Tiago Gonçalves (Lisbon University, Portugal) (Mo)defying Gravity
Fri 3 May Andrew Gow (ICG, Portsmouth) Primordial black holes and non-Gaussianity

3pm Thu  9 May

Marco Scalisi (Max Planck, Munich, Germany) Species cosmology
Fri 10 May Anna Negro (Leiden University, Netherlands) Curing UV divergences in Primordial Observables -- Can N_eff bounds constrain vacuum GWs?
Fri 17 May Jiajie Mei (Durham University) Bootstrapping cosmological correlators
Fri 24 May Svashis Maity (IITM, Chennai, India) Probing the history of reheating through gravitational waves
Fri 31 May Swagat Mishra (University of Nottingham) Towards (p)reheating after Inflaton fragmentation, Oscillon formation and decay
Fri 14 Jun Poulami Dutta Roy (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India) Quasi-normal modes of Black Holes


Student Journal Club

The student journal club is an informal discussion specifically for students, but postdocs are also welcome to come. It is currently held every other Thursday at 15:00 Online, alternating with the all member's Journal Club.

This term (Summer 2024) we have the following speakers:

  • 11 Jan: Kieran Wood
  • 25 Jan: Matthew Gorton
  • 8 Feb: Sean Gregory
  • 22 Feb: Trevor Cheung
  • 7 March: Lauren Gaughan
  • 21 March: Silvia Schiattarella
  • 23 May: Bradley March
  • 6 June: Sergio Sevillano Muñoz
  • 20 June: Benjamin Muntz - 1st year talk
  • 27 June: Trevor Cheung - 1st year talk
  • 4 July: Farbod Rassouli - 1st year talk

Student journal club is currently run by Lauren Gaughan.

Journal Club

Our journal club is an informal discussion for all members of the group, who are encouraged to bring along any interesting papers they have found. We use Benty-Fields as our online platform for suggesting and voting on papers, on which see 'Particle Cosmology - general journal club'. The journal club is currently held in CAPT A113 every other Thursday at 15:00.

This term (Spring 2024) we have the following speakers:

  • 1 Feb: Benjamin Muntz
  • 15 Feb: Bradley March
  • 29 Feb: Matthew Gorton
  • 14 Mar: Oliver Gould
  • 28 Mar: Kieran Wood
  • 2 May: Robert Smith
  • 16 May: Swagat Mishra

Journal club is currently run by Oliver Gould.

Upcoming Post-Doc Lectures

There are no upcoming Post-Doc lectures currently arranged.

Previous archives of seminars, journal clubs, etc. can be found here. 


School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: