Foundation Year

Have you decided you would like to study physics but don't think you have the right qualifications? The School of Physics and Astronomy offers a foundation year which provides an alternative route onto our highly regarded BSc or MSci physics degrees.
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation year enables you to pursue your interest in physics if you lack the right subjects for direct entry, or if you have not yet achieved your full potential, to get on-track for a career in physics.
If you successfully complete the course and meet the progression requirements, you will be guaranteed a place on the BSc or MSci Physics course.
Is the foundation year for me?
The foundation year is ideal for:
- students with A level qualifications in either maths or physics but who have not yet achieved their full potential
- students who have good A level qualifications in subjects not including maths or physics
- students with appropriate BTEC or HE Access qualifications
- mature students returning to education who maybe have not taken A levels in the past, or who did not succeed in getting the necessary A level grades the first time round.
- international students whose qualifications are not equivalent to A-levels (there are additional English language requirements for international candidates.)
Contact us
For more information contact: Dr Philip Hawker