School of Physics & Astronomy

Offer-holder days for Mathematical Physics

Open Day outside George Green

All undergraduate applicants who receive an offer are invited to an offer-holder day, which is an opportunity for you to see for yourself the Schools of Physics and Astronomy and Mathematical Sciences, and the University in general.

If you have any problems booking, or would like to know more about which dates are available to you, please contact our Mathematical Physics Admissions Tutor, Dr Mike Swift (0115 951 5134).

How to book?

These events are for undergraduate offer-holders only. Offer-holders will receive an invitation by email to book on to the events.

Booking is essential

What happens on the day?

A typical visit includes the following...

  • Mathematical Physics at Nottingham - A presentation by the Mathematical Physics Admissions Tutors, Dr Mike Swift and Dr Thomas Sotiriou.
  • Lunch – A buffet lunch is available with staff and current Mathematical Physics/Physics and Astronomy students to answer any questions you may have about the courses or student life at the University of Nottingham.
  • Student Presentations – A series of short (5 min) presentations from undergraduate and postgraduate students on a range of topics including personal perspectives on placements and internships they’ve undertaken; research projects; PhD opportunities; PhysSoc and the Physics and Astronomy student experience.
  • A 15 minute meeting with a member of staff to discuss your application
  • Tours of the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Mathematical Sciences building


School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: