School of Psychology

Computational Neuroscience

The computational neuroscience group uses neural computation to describe the processes in the brain.

The University of Nottingham’s computational neuroscience research group, led by Mark van Rossum, Mark Humphries and Stephen Coombes, uniquely bridges psychology and mathematics.

Our research covers all facets of computational research on the brain, from the changes at a single synapse, through the dynamics of large populations, to the bases of learning and movement dysfunction in neural disorders. We draw on techniques from across the scientific spectrum, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, dynamical systems theory, network science, and more.

Our work is funded by the MRC, the Leverhulme Trust, Innovation UK, BBSRC, and the EPSRC.

Research areas

  • Action selection and decision making: how we choose what action to do next, and how we make our minds up
  • Energy as a constraint on neural processing: how optimising energy use places hard constraints on neural function and wiring
  • Movement disorders: how dysfunction of the basal ganglia leads to the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, dystonia, and more
  • Neural data science: developing machine learning approaches to the analysis of neural activity 
  • Population coding: how the joint activity of groups of neurons codes and computes
  • Synaptic plasticity: how and when the connections between neurons change, to drive learning

Study with us

MSc Computational Neuroscience, Cognition and AI

This interdisciplinary course combines aspects of psychology, mathematics and computer science to help you understand brain function, develop better analysis tools for neural data and to inspire artificial intelligence algorithms.  

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Recent projects 

Network science analysis of population activity

Across a range of papers, Mark Humphries and collaborators have pioneered the idea of using the tools of network theory to analyse large-scale recordings of activity from hundreds or thousands of neurons.

These have included solutions for the unsupervised detection of cell assemblies, and tracking the evolution of correlated activity over time and learning. From this work, we have published a range of open-source code, including:

The Humphries Lab

For more information on both current and past projects, please visit the link below for Mark Humphries' lab.


Discover more about our research

In an episode of the Brain-Inspired podcast, Mark Humphries talks about his work and about the new field of neural data science.

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The BMJ’s Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry podcast interviews Mark Humphries about using computational models to understand Parkinson’s disease.

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Mark Humphries

Our research interrogates how the joint activity of many neurons encodes the past, present, and future in order to guide behaviour.

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Matias Ison
Matias J. Ison
Associate Professor

My research programme focuses on two fundamental questions in neuroscience: memory formation and visual search. For this, I study neural activity at different scales using a variety of experimental approaches and computational techniques.

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Chris Madan
Christopher Madan
Assistant Professor

I study memory using a combination of cognitive psychology, neuroimaging, and computational modelling methods. I am particularly interested in what factors makes some experiences more memorable than others (such as emotion, reward, and motor processing) and how these influences can manifest in future behaviour, such as decision making.

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Silvia Maggi
Assistant Professor

The main focus of my research is to understand network dynamics underlying learning and memory processes.

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Mark van Rossum

I started my computational neuroscience research after obtaining a PhD in theoretical physics. I have since worked across a wide number of topics in neuroscience, including, retinal function, synaptic plasticity and homoeostasis, memory formation, noise in neurons and sensory coding. 

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School of Psychology

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The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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