Visual Neuroscience
How the brain maps our world
The Visual Neuroscience Group investigates the fundamental psychophysical, neural and computational principles of sensory processing.
This group investigate all aspects of visual processing, including motion processing, spatial vision, temporal vision, colour perception, binocular vision, ocular motor control, neural plasticity and normal and abnormal visual development. There is also a clinical focus on understanding and treating disorders of vision, such as amblyopia and macular degeneration.
Recent projects and publications
Recently funded projects include mapping the topography of somatosensory cortex (BBSRC) and normal and abnormal mechanisms of plasticity in visual cortex (ERC).
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Harriet Allen
I measure the neural processes of combining sensory information. My recent research has found differences in the relationship between perception and attention in obesity, autism, and ageing and has applied this to human factors, vehicle design, and the everyday environment.
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I received my BSc and PhD from the University of Nottingham. My PhD investigated low level motion perception. During my BSc I spent a year working for the DRA on Human Factors of simulators and jet fighters.
After my PhD worked in Montreal, at McGill University, again looking at low level vision but this time investigating texture perception and amblyopia (lazy eye). I became interested in how higher level processes such as attention influence low level vision.
I returned to the UK to spend several years at the University of Birmingham, including 5 as an RCUK fellow. I used behavioural measures and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to investigate the interaction of vision and attention through the adult life span.
I started at Nottingham in September 2011 and am investigating the interaction of attention with perception in multiple contexts including driving, low level and mid level vision and ignoring.
I'm particularly interested in how our brains represent things that we ignore. Do we process and then block these signals, or turn them down at source? Does it matter if we simply attend to something else or if we specifically choose to ignore an object. Do these processes get harder with age?
Matias Ison
Associate Professor
My interdisciplinary research programme addresses a variety of topics in the field of cognitive neuroscience. I am particularly interested in: i) studying episodic memory formation, taking advantage of an extraordinary opportunity to record the simultaneous activity of single neurons in awake humans, ii) understanding how information is represented in the brain, iii) developing data analysis techniques to bridge the gap between eye movements and EEG recordings.
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I graduated in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2001, and obtained a PhD in the field of statistical mechanics in 2006. Subsequently I was invited to work as a visiting scientist for the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire in Caen (France). The same year, I joined the University of Leicester as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and in 2007 I was appointed New Blood Lecturer in Bioengineering. In 2009, I was appointed Honorary Clinical Research Fellow at King's College Hospital, London and Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Physics at the University of Buenos Aires in 2012 and 2013. I joined the School of Psychology, University of Nottingham in September 2016.
Alan Johnston
Professor of Psychology
Most of my work is related to the perception of motion, from building computational models of motion processing in the human visual system to investigating the perception of dynamic change in the face.
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Current projects include the investigation of the temporal properties of mutual gaze and the relationship between facial speech and auditory speech.
Alan Johnston has been a Professor of Psychology at the University of Nottingham since 2015, working in the field of experimental psychology and computer vision, with research expertise in motion computation and the perception, analysis and synthesis of moving faces. He has previously been Head of Department of Psychology and Director of CoMPLEX at UCL. In 2003 he discipline-hopped to the Robotics Research Group and the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford and has a long standing interest in interdisciplinary research and training in vision. He was one of the UCL PIs in 2020 Science, an EPSRC funded centre for postdoctoral training. He has held visiting positons at Harvard Universtiy and Université Rene Descartes and is an Honorary Professor at UCL. His research interests cover visual perception, time perception, crossmodal perception, gaze timing and dynamic face perception. He has written over 100 journal articles including 3 in Nature and 6 in Current Biology.
Paul McGraw
Professor of Visual Neuroscience
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Jon Peirce
I also have a strong personal interest in how we optimally study the brain and the visual system in particular. This led me to create the free psychophysics software library, PsychoPy.
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A great deal is known about the initial steps of visual processing. We know that humans have neural mechanisms selectively tuned to simple patterns of particular spatial frequencies and orientations. Much later in the visual pathway, in inferotemporal (IT) cortex, cells respond to extremely complex visual patterns such as images of faces. Very little is known about intermediate levels of visual processing, where early visual signals are presumably combined to represent increasingly complex visual features. Characterising those intermediate mechanisms is the primary interest of my lab.
Neil Roach
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Denis Schluppeck
Associate Professor
Co-organiser of (and teacher on) the MSc in Brain Imaging, plus involvement in research for neuroscience, vision, functional magnetic resonance imaging and MRI data analysis.
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The aim of my research is to understand how we use our senses of vision and touch to gather information about the world and how we use that information to make decisions that are critical for our personal survival and well-being. In the visual domain, I study how humans perceive the colour, form, and motion of visual objects and make decisions based on those perceptions. In the somatosensory system, I am mostly interested how the sensory sheet of the body surface is topographically mapped onto cortical (and subcortical) areas and how other basic stimulus properties are encoded in the brain.
I use a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), psychophysics, and computational modeling. Most recently, I have conducted MRI experiments at very high field (7 T) in collaboration with colleagues at the Sir Peter Mansfield MR Centre at the University to explore the use of functional and anatomical imaging at very high spatial resolution.
Chris Scholes
Assistant Professor
Although I am in the visual neuroscience group, I am interested in the general question of how the brain processes sensory information (not just visual!) and how this affects behaviour and motor output.
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I completed my PhD in auditory neurophysiology several years ago and subsequent postdoctoral projects have involved various questions and techniques (tDCS, eye-tracking, psychophysics, computational modelling). Most recently, my research has focussed on tiny eye movements (microsaccades) that we make unconsciously when we fix our eyes on an object. I have also started to investigate how the inputs from both eyes are put together using our specialized stereo lab in the School.
Domenica Veniero
Assistant Professor
My research interests focus on two main areas. The first is the role of brain oscillations in both long-range cortical communication and local brain activity, with a specific interest in top down control of visuo-spatial attention, visual processing and motor cortex excitability. The second is the effect of brain stimulation (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - TMS) on cortical excitability and behavioural performance.
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