Biomaterials Discovery

Advanced Functional Materials


Latest research into materials to stop bacterial biofilm formation published

Dr Adam Dundas, Valentina Cuzzucoli Crucitti, Professor Derek Irvine and other members of the Biomaterials Discovery team have published their latest research describing new polymer surfactants that will prevent bacterial biofilm formation on 3D polymer microparticles.  These particles could be used in a variety of applications from coatings on the surfaces of medical devices or as part of a wound healing dressing to prevent infections. Non-healthcare related applications such as antifouling surfaces on the hulls of yachts could also be targeted.

The full article can be read in the Advanced Functional Materials journal.

Achieving Microparticles with Cell‐Instructive Surface Chemistry by Using Tunable Co‐Polymer Surfactants
Adam A. Dundas, Valentina Cuzzucoli Crucitti, Simon Haas, Jean‐Frédéric Dubern, Arsalan Latif, Manuel Romero, Olutoba Sanni, Amir M. Ghaemmaghami, Paul Williams, Morgan R. Alexander, Ricky Wildman, Derek J. Irvine
Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, Volume 30, Issue 36, 2001821


Posted on Monday 2nd November 2020

Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery

Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies, School of Pharmacy, The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 846 6246