Biomaterials Discovery

MRC CIC funding awarded to investigate translation of coatings which reduce bacterial colonisation


A Camstent coated catheter

Medical Research Council (MRC) Confidence in Concept funding has been awarded to Don Sharkey and Morgan Alexander to investigate translation of coatings which reduce bacterial colonisation already approved as adult catheters by Camstent Ltd as pediatric devices for the care of pre-term infants.

The Confidence in Concept (CiC) scheme is a key part of MRC’s translational research strategy and provides annual awards of up to £1 million to institutions to flexibly support a portfolio of early stage translational research projects. It is intended to accelerate the transition from discovery research to translational development projects by supporting preliminary work or feasibility studies to establish the viability of an approach.

Posted on Wednesday 9th December 2020

Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery

Advanced Materials and Healthcare Technologies, School of Pharmacy, The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 846 6246