Computer Vision Laboratory






The goal of the US Government-funded DEEPER project is an integrated platform of phenomic, genomic, and in silico technologies generating maize lines with deeper roots. Deeper-rooted maize would i) increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere into deep soil strata, ii) improve crop and biofuel productivity under drought and iii) improve N capture by crops.

CVL’s role in the project is to develop advanced image analysis and deep learning approaches to automatically and rapidly extract anatomical and cell wall composition metrics from the 3D images provided by LAT2.0, an improved laser ablation tomography imaging system also being developed within DEEPER. LAT image analysis will be framed as an instance segmentation task in which the identification of image sub-areas likely to arise from different objects is combined with the classification of those regions by object type. A graph-based description of root anatomy will be constructed and custom-built visualization tools will allow the user to query and browse the resulting rich 3D data structures.

Left column

DEEPER is supported by a grant from ARPA-e, the research arm of the US Dept. of Energy.

Project Team

Pennsylvania State University

University of Wisconsin

University of Georgia

University of Nottingham (Malcolm Bennett, Sacha Mooney, Tony Pridmore)

CVL Contact

For more information, please contact Tony Pridmore


Computer Vision Laboratory

The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 8466543