National Biofilms Innovation Centre
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Other Academic
Alexander, Cameron01158467678Professor of Polymer TherapeuticsEnvelope Icon
Atkinson, Steve0115 8467954Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon
Aylott, Jonathan0115 9516229Professor of Analytical ScienceEnvelope Icon
Barrett, Davidn/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Connerton, Ian0115 951 6119Professor of Food SafetyEnvelope Icon
Gomes MBE, Rachel Louise0115 846 8883Professor of Water & Resource ProcessingEnvelope Icon
Hague, Richard+44 115 951 3962Professor of Additive Manufacturing; Director, Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM)Envelope Icon
Heeb, Stephan0115 95 13042Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hewakandamby, Buddhika0115 951 4178Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Irvine, Derek0115 95 14088Professor of Materials ChemistryEnvelope Icon
King, John0115 9513854Professor of Theoretical MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Korposh, Serhiy01157484701Professor in Photonics InstrumentationEnvelope Icon
Leigh, James0115 951 6631Professor of Molecular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon
Roberts, Cliven/aHead of School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesEnvelope Icon
Wildman, Ricky0115 8466893Professor of Multiphase Flow and MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Williams, Phil0115 9515025Professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Science APVC for Research and Knowledge ExchangeEnvelope Icon
Winzer, Klaus0115 8232247Associate Professor; PGT Senior TutorEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Soukarieh, Fadin/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Alexander, Cameron01158467678Professor of Polymer TherapeuticsEnvelope Icon
Atkinson, Steve0115 8467954Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon
Aylott, Jonathan0115 9516229Professor of Analytical ScienceEnvelope Icon


Barrett, Davidn/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Connerton, Ian0115 951 6119Professor of Food SafetyEnvelope Icon


Gomes MBE, Rachel Louise0115 846 8883Professor of Water & Resource ProcessingEnvelope Icon


Hague, Richard+44 115 951 3962Professor of Additive Manufacturing; Director, Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM)Envelope Icon
Heeb, Stephan0115 95 13042Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hewakandamby, Buddhika0115 951 4178Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Irvine, Derek0115 95 14088Professor of Materials ChemistryEnvelope Icon


King, John0115 9513854Professor of Theoretical MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Korposh, Serhiy01157484701Professor in Photonics InstrumentationEnvelope Icon


Leigh, James0115 951 6631Professor of Molecular BacteriologyEnvelope Icon


Roberts, Cliven/aHead of School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesEnvelope Icon


Soukarieh, Fadin/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Wildman, Ricky0115 8466893Professor of Multiphase Flow and MechanicsEnvelope Icon
Williams, Phil0115 9515025Professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Science APVC for Research and Knowledge ExchangeEnvelope Icon
Winzer, Klaus0115 8232247Associate Professor; PGT Senior TutorEnvelope Icon

National Biofilms Innovation Centre

The University of Nottingham
CBS building
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 9515036