Welcome to the Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre
Nottingham has an international reputation for its breast cancer research with many seminal discoveries now used globally in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, including the Nottingham Grading System and the Nottingham Prognostic Index, saving lives daily.
Our individual groups have successfully collaborated over many years with the Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre (NBCRC) being formally launched in 2018, to allow increased expansion and increased cohesion, establishing a large multi-disciplinary team of breast cancer researchers and clinicians. It supports and facilitates collaborative working between our researchers in an open and inclusive way and encourages others to investigate breast cancer.
Research at NBCRC is focussed on 3 key areas: Detect it early, Stop the spread and Treat it right. Current research continues to provide exciting data, improving our understanding of breast cancer, and delivering novel diagnostics and therapies.
The centre relies on fundraising income and we are grateful for the passionate support received from patients and affiliated groups, breast cancer survivors, their families and advocates. Every penny of your support goes to carrying out our research.
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