Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre

What we do  

We are interested in breast cancer at all levels and we focus our research in the three areas below.

 detect it early

Detect it early

Diagnosing breast cancer early gives women the best chance of survival. Our experts are working to develop a blood test to detect breast cancer, identifying the natural antibodies we produce in response to the first cancer cells developing.

The team have already developed the world's first blood test to detect lung cancer. Recent pilot results for the breast cancer test are very positive, and further research is now underway. 


 Stop the spread

Stop the spread

Breast cancer kills, particularly when it spreads around the body in the lymphatic system - a process called metastasis. We are investigating ways to stop this process in its tracks.

Our experts have pinpointed particular proteins - called Calpains - that are linked to this process. They are now using this insight to help make treatments more effective, including testing novel drugs developed here in Nottingham.

 treat it right

Treat it right

There are many different types of breast cancer. Treatments that specifically target one type create fewer side effects than conventional chemotherapy and can be used for longer.

'Triple Negative Breast Cancer' is an aggressive form for which no targeted treatment currently exists. Our experts have identified a weakness in how these cells grow. They are now developing drugs which exploit this weakness, killing the cells or making them more responsive to treatment.



Annual Awareness Day

Each year NBCRC organises a public BC awareness day. You can hear from specialists about the latest research being conducted here in Nottingham, hear breast cancer patients talk about their experiences and also have an opportunity to tour our research facilities.

Lab Tours

In addition to the Awareness Day we can also arrange lab tours throughout the year for small groups who would like to find out more about NBCRC. To add your name to a list or to organise a tour for your group please contact us on the email below.

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Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre (NBCRC)

University of Nottingham
Biodiscovery Institute (Room C214)
University Park
Science Road
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
