Transport, Mobility and Cities


The movement of people and goods cannot be separated from their specific physical and social contexts. By focusing on the place our work situates transport within the complex socio-economic geography of urban systems at different scales, from the siting and urban design of physical infrastructure, the form of cities themselves, through to the urban modelling of entire national networks.

We promote places that support attractive, smart multimodal transport options which are an integral part of healthy, sustainable cities. We also undertake research on many key aspects impacting on, and integrated with, geospatial engineering and science, utilizing a diverse range of scientific disciplines including geodesy, remote sensing, engineering surveying and GIS.

Successful places support attractive, smart multimodal transport options, and are an integral part of healthy, sustainable cities.

Theme Leads


Dr Nicole Porter

Architecture, Culture and Tectonics, Faculty of Engineering



Dr Chris Hill

Nottingham Geospatial Institute,
Faculty of Engineering




  • Urban planning and design for health
  • Mobility and connectivity
  • Integrated urban models
  • Place based solutions
  • City and regional approaches
  • Urban design scale, infrastructure design in context
  • Multi scale spaces and solutions
  • Geointelligence, location based services and positioning accuracy
  • GIS and earth observation, positioning and navigation technologies
  • University of Nottingham Campus and Estates

Read our TMC capability statement (PDF) to find out more 




  • Engineering
  • Architecture & Built Environment
  • Geography
  • Computer Science

Example Project: SMART CAMPUS

The University has opened up its campus to enable students, academics and businesses to examine and evaluate user behaviours and to trial smart concepts including bike and car share schemes and an active travel dashboard. We have focused on the understanding of campus and user patterns by analysing positional data in conjunction with evidence gathered through interviews and focus groups. This will lead to a more efficient inter campus bus service with demand led provision being the end goal. We are working in partnership with Atkins and Nottingham City Council to explore how learning and innovation from the University’s Smart Campus can be scaled up across the wider urban area.



Transport, Mobility and Cities

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
