Department of Sport

New training groups for 'Team UoN' Robin Hood runners!


Over 500 students, staff and alumni will be running for University of Nottingham in this September’s popular Robin Hood Half Marathon. Raising money for the Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC), ‘Team UoN’ is looking for runners of all abilities to support the cause.

To make sure all our runners are in tip-top shape, the fitness team at the new David Ross Sports Village have organised special training groups for ‘Team UoN’.

Running every Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime and offering beginner, intermediate and advanced options, the sessions are free-of-charge for all runners representing ‘Team UoN’ in the September 24 event.

Running sessions
 Beginners' Group

Every Thursday: 12.30-1:30pm
Meet at David Ross Sports Village
Instructor: Lizzie Felstead
First session: Thursday 25 May

 Intermediate / Advanced

Every Tuesday: 12.30-1:30pm
Meet at David Ross Sports Village
Instructor: Tom Daw
First session: Thursday 23 May

Your questions:

Which running group would be best for me?

  • Beginners group – for complete novices new to exercise or individuals returning after a long break. Also recommended for those recovering from an injury.
  • Intermediate-advanced – for anyone who has done an element of distance running (e.g. 5km+). You do not need to be a regular runner currently, but previous training/experience would be beneficial.

Can I switch groups at any time?

Yes, you can switch groups at any time to better suit your ability and training needs.

What will the sessions be like?

This will vary depending on the group, but sessions include a variety of set distance runs (combined with rest periods where appropriate), short running drills/sprints, leg strengthening work, flexibility and recovery. Instructors will structure the sessions for progression in distance and intensity. We’ll also recommend additional training you can complete.

How can I keep up-to-date with the running groups?

Our Facebook group will share all the latest updates, sessions and tips.

Will the sessions be a full hour?

We know many people will be attending during a lunch break, so we’re flexible! The more of the hour you can make the better!

Posted on Wednesday 31st May 2017

University of Nottingham Sport

David Ross Sports Village
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 87000