We often get asked about making friends at university. The following activities can help you meet others on your course and build connections.

The English Society

Run by students in the School of English, this vibrant society provides a variety of social activities throughout the year. Swing by their stall at the Welcome fair, check their Instagram or see the Students’ Union page for information on how to get involved.

Study Buddy scheme

The Study Buddy scheme is a fantastic way to meet others on your course, as it matches you into groups based on your course, department, year, and modules. We’ll put you in contact with your group and invite you to several events over the first couple of months at university to help you settle in. Look out for an email, or information in your weekly email bulletin with information about how to sign up.

CommuniTea events and common room

The School of English common room is in A90, Trent Building. Here you can find a mini kitchen with microwave and kettle, filtered water, study space including soundproof pods, and comfortable seating to relax.

Every Tuesday, 12-2pm in term time, the self-serve Cup and Chaucer Cafe is open for free hot drinks.

Postgraduate socials (PGT students only)

Every year, we plan master’s student socials. These events encourage Faculty of Arts postgraduates to socialise over food and drinks. We promote them through the weekly email bulletins.

Be ready

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