As a student, you will need to make use of computers and calculators. See below for guidance on suitable devices.  

Computers / laptops 

Either a desktop or a laptop is fine; a laptop is preferred as it can be brought to class (e.g. for coding sessions).  

The university’s Digital and Technology Service has provided general digital equipment advice and recommended device specification.  

It is preferable for students to have their own device; however, if you need to you can have the loan of a laptop from the Laptop Loan and Repair Service from the  from the university. 

There are also PCs available on campus.  


While you can use any calculator during your studies, there is a list of acceptable calculators for closed-book examinations. The invigilator will check the type of calculator you are using during an exam.  

We recommend buying a calculator from List A, as this is the more restrictive list. We also recommend buying a scientific calculator. You can buy some of these models at any stationary store such as WHSmith or Ryman, or a large supermarket such as Tesco or Sainsbury’s. The popular Casio FX-83GTX costs between £11 and £20.  

Faculty of Science

Mathematical Sciences

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