WasteNott — the plastics challenge

Reducing plastic cutlery and straws

Over half a million plastic straws and bits of cutlery are used on campus annually.


We’ve moved to paper straws as standard: Since September 2018, you’ll not see plastic straws available front of house at any University-run catering outlets.

Bendy straws will still be available on request — so if you need one, just ask at the bar. If you encounter any problems when requesting a plastic straw, please let us know by emailing sudisabledofficer@nottingham.ac.uk

We’re investigating ways to reduce plastic cutlery consumption across our campuses. Let us know your ideas by emailing campusnews@nottingham.ac.uk.



Why get involved?

In the survey, just over 25% of you said you already refuse single-use plastic cutlery. The survey also showed that half of us don’t use plastic straws. Respondents supported removing plastic straws from our catering facilities – ensuring that plastic ‘bendy’ straws are still be available for people who need them. 

Read more about the survey



Sustainability Team

Estate Office
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: sustainability@nottingham.ac.uk
