Kerr Lab, Nottingham,

ABC Transporter Research


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The links below take you to Pubmed to read the abstract, but most are fully open access publications. If you do see a paper you want to read but cannot get it for free then please contact me and I will send you the pdf by return email.

2016-to date





prior to 1995

Recent papers

Mitchell-White, JI, Stocker, T., Holliday, N, Briddon, SJ, Kerr, ID (2021). Analysis of Sequence Divergence in Mammalian ABCGs Predicts a Structural Network of Residues That Underlies Functional Divergence. Int J Mol Sci 22: 3012


Taylor, L., Kerr, ID., Coyle B (2021) Y-box Binding Protein-1: A Neglected Target in Pediatric Brain Tumors? Mol Cancer Res 19: 375-387. The publisher is a miserly one and charges 3K for open access even for an invited review. So if you want to read this paper then please email me and I will send you a version of the paper.


Vaughan-Hirsch J, Tallerday EJ, Burr CA, Hodgens C, Boeshore SL, Beaver K, Melling A, Sari K, Kerr ID, Šimura J, Ljung K, Xu D, Liang W, Bhosale R, Schaller GE, Bishopp A, Kieber JJ (2021) Function of the pseudo phosphotransfer proteins has diverged between rice and Arabidopsis. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15156. Online ahead of print.


Kerr, ID., Hutchison, E., Gerard, L., Aleidi, SM and Gelissen, IC. (2021) Mammalian ABCG-transporters, sterols and lipids: To bind perchance to transport? Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2020.158860


Linke F, Aldighieri M, Lourdusamy A, Grabowska AM, Stolnik S, Kerr ID, Merry CLR, Coyle B (2021) 3D hydrogels reveal medulloblastoma subgroup differences and identify extracellular matrix subtypes that predict patient outcome. J Pathol. 253: 326-338


Khunweeraphong N, Mitchell-White J, Szollosi D, Hussein T, Kuchler K, Kerr ID, Stockner T, Lee JY (2020) Picky ABCG5/G8 and promiscuous ABCG2 - a tale of fatty diets and drug toxicity. FEBS Lett. 594: 4035-4058.


Horsey AJ, Briggs DA, Holliday ND, Briddon SJ, Kerr ID Application of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study substrate binding in styrene maleic acid lipid copolymer encapsulated ABCG2. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2020 1862:183218. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2020.183218


Kapoor P, Briggs DA, Cox MH, Kerr ID. Disruption of the Unique ABCG-Family NBD:NBD Interface Impacts Both Drug Transport and ATP Hydrolysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 21:E759. doi: 10.3390/ijms21030759


Carey Hulyer AR, Briggs DA, O'Mara ML, Kerr ID, Harmer JR, Callaghan R. Cross-linking, DEER-spectroscopy and molecular dynamics confirm the inward facing state of P-glycoprotein in a lipid membrane. J. Struct. Biol. 2020 211: 107513


Al-Saad, R. Z. Kerr, I., Hume, A. N. In Vitro Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer-Based Assay Used to Determine the Rab27-Effector-Binding Affinity Assay Drug Dev Technol. 18: 180-194.


Sabnis, D.H., Storer, L.C.D., Liu, JF., Jackson, H.K., Kilday, J.P., Grundy, R.G., Kerr, I.D., Coyle, B. A role for ABCB1 in prognosis, invasion and drug resistance in ependymoma. Scientific Reports 9: 10290


Heyes, N.D., Kapoor, P., Kerr, I.D. (2018) Polymorphisms of the multidrug pump ABCG2: a systematic review of their effect on protein expression, function and drug pharmacokinetics. Drug Metab Disp 46:1886-1899


Cox, M.H., Kapoor, P, Briggs, D.A., Kerr, I.D. (2018). Residues contributing to drug transport by ABCG2 are localised to multiple drug-binding pockets. Biochemical Journal 475: 1553-1557


Janes, G., von Wangenheim, D., Cowling, S., Kerr, I., Band, L., French, A. P., and Bishopp, A. (2018) Cellular Patterning of Arabidopsis Roots Under Low Phosphate Conditions, Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1-11.


Mittra, R., Pavy, M., Subramanian, N. Georgem A.M., O’Mara, M.L., Kerr I.D., & Callaghan, R. (2017). Location of contact residues in pharmacologically distinct drug binding sites on P-glycoprotein. Biochemical pharmacology. 123, 19-28


Horsey, AJ, Cox, MH, Sarwat, S, Kerr, ID. The multidrug transporter ABCG2: still more questions than answers. Biochemical Society Transactions 44: 824-830


Wong, K., Briddon, SJ., Holliday, ND & Kerr, ID. (2016) Plasma membrane dynamics and tetrameric organisation of ABCG2 transporters in mammalian cells revealed by single particle imaging techniques. BBA Mol Cell Res 1863: 19-29.



Al-Ghafari AB, Punjaruk, W, Storer, LC, Carrier, DJ, Hussein, D, Coyle, B, Kerr ID (2015) Long-term exposure to irinotecan reduces cell migration in glioma cells. J. Neurooncol 127: 455-462


Theodoulou, F. L., and Kerr, I. D. (2015) ABC transporter research: going strong 40 years on, Biochemical Society Transactions 43, 1033-1040.


Coyle, B., Kessler, M., Sabnis, D. H., and Kerr, I. D. (2015) ABCB1 in children's brain tumours, Biochemical Society Transactions 43, 1018-1022.


Haider, AJ, Cox, MH, Jones, N, Goode, AJ, Bridge, KS, Wong, K, Briggs, D, Kerr, ID Identification of residues in ABCG2 affecting protein trafficking and drug transport, using co-evolutionary analysis of ABCG sequences . (2015). Biosci Rep e00241


Darby, RAJ, Unsworth, A, Brooks, S, Knapp, S, Kerr, ID, Callaghan R Overcoming ABCG2-mediated drug resistance with imidzo-[1,2-b]-pyridazine based PIM1 kinase inhibitors (2015). Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 76: 853-864s


Othman RT, Kimishi I, Bradshaw TD, Storer LC, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Grundy RG, Kerr ID, Coyle B. Overcoming multiple drug resistance mechanisms in medullobastoma (2014). Acta Neuropathol Commun. 30: 57


van Wonderen JH, McMahon RM, O'Mara ML, McDevitt CA, Thomson AJ, Kerr ID, Macmillan F, Callaghan R The Central Cavity Of Abcb1 Undergoes Alternating Access During Atp Hydrolysis. (2014) FEBS J . 281: 2190-2201


Wong, K., Ma, J., Rosthnie, A.J., Biggin, P.C., Kerr, I.D. Towards an understanding of promiscuity in multidrug efflux pumps. (2014) TiBS 39: 8-16


Pollock, N.L., McDevitt, C.A., Collins, R., Niesten, P.H.M., Prince, S., Kerr, I.D., Ford, R.C., Callaghan, R.C. Improving the stability and function of purified ABCB1 and ABCA4: The influence of membrane lipids (2014). BBA Biomembranes 1838: 134-147.


Kay, C., Lawler, K. Kerr, I.D. Analysis of the Sam50 translocase of Excavate organisms supports evolution of divergent organelles from a common endosymbiotic event . (2013). Biosci Rep 33: e00084s


De Marcos Lousa C, van Roermund CW, Postis VL, Dietrichs D, Kerr ID, Wanders RJ, Baldwin SA, Baker A, Theodoulou FL. Intrinsic acyl-CoA thioesterase activity of a peroxisomal ATP binding cassette transporter is required for transport and metabolism of fatty acids. (2013). Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. 110: 1279-1284


Kay C, Lawler K, Self TJ, Dyall SD, Kerr ID. Localisation of a family of complex-forming ß-barrels in the T. vaginalis hydrogenosomal membrane. (2012) FEBS Lett. 586: 4038-4045.


Kay C, Woodward KD, Lawler K, Self TJ, Dyall SD, Kerr ID. The ATP-binding cassette proteins of the deep-branching protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.  (2012) PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 6:e1693.


Haider AJ, Briggs D, Self TJ, Chilvers HL, Holliday ND, Kerr ID . Dimerization of ABCG2 Analysed by Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation. (2011) PLOS One 6:e25818


Dorrian, JM, Briggs, DA, Ridley, ML, Layfield, R, Kerr, ID. Induction of a stress response in Lactococcus lactis is associated with a resistance to ribosomally active antibiotics . (2011) FEBS Journal 278: 4015-24


De Smet I, Voss U, Lau S, Wilson M, Shao N, Timme RE, Swarup R, Kerr I , Hodgman C, Bock R, Bennett M, Jürgens G, Beeckman T. Unraveling the evolution of auxin signaling . (2011) Plant Physiol. 155:209-21.


Kerr ID, Haider AJ, Gelissen IC. The ABCG family of membrane-associated transporters: you don't have to be big to be mighty. (2011). Br J Pharmacol 164: 1767-1779


Hussein D, Punjaruk W, Storer LC, Shaw L, Ottoman R, Peet A, Miller S, Bandopadhyay G, Heath R, Kumari R, Bowman KJ, Braker P, Rahman R, Jones GD, Watson S, Lowe J, Kerr ID , Grundy RG, Coyle B. Pediatric brain tumor cancer stem cells: cell cycle dynamics, DNA repair, and etoposide extrusion .(2011). Neuro Oncol. 13:70-83.


Crowley E, O'Mara ML,Kerr ID, Callaghan R Transmembrane helix 12 plays a pivotal role in coupling energy provision and drug binding in ABCB1. (2010) FEBS J. 277:3974-85.


Kerr I.D., Jones P.M., George A.M. Multidrug efflux pumps: the structures of prokaryotic ATP-binding cassette transporter efflux pumps and implications for our understanding of eukaryotic P-glycoproteins and homologues. (2010). FEBS J. 277: 550-63.



Crowley, E., L. O'Mara M, E. Reynolds, D. P. Tieleman, J. Storm, I. D. Kerr and R. Callaghan (2009). Transmembrane helix 12 modulates progression of the ATP catalytic cycle in ABCB1 .Biochemistry: 48: 6249-58.


Dorrian, J.M and Kerr, I.D. ( 2009) Can ABC proteins confer drug resistance in micro-organisms without being export pumps? to be published in ABC Transporters in Microorganisms , Horizon Press, 2009.


Kerr, I.D, Twycross, J.T., Carrier, D.J. (2009) Hormone Transport to be published in Plant Plasma Membrane Monographs, 2010.


Carrier, D.J., Abu Bakar, N.T., Lawler, K., Dorrian, J.M., Haider, A., Bennett, M.J.,Kerr, I.D .(2009). Heterologous expression of a membrane-spanning auxin importer: Implications for functional analyses of auxin transporters. Internaional Journal of Plant Genomics , 848145.


McDevitt, C. A., Collins, R., Kerr, I. D ., and Callaghan, R. (2009) Purification and structural analyses of ABCG2 , Advanced drug delivery reviews61: 57-65.

Chuthapisith, S., Bean, B. E., Cowley, G., Eremin, J. M., Samphao, S., Layfield, R.,Kerr
, I. D., Wiseman, J., El-Sheemy, M., Sreenivasan, T., and Eremin, O. (2009) Annexins in human breast cancer: Possible predictors of pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Eur J Cancer 45:1274-12


McDevitt, C., E. Crowley, G. Hobbs, K. Starr, I. D. Kerr and R. Callaghan (2008). Is ATP binding responsible for initiating drug translocation by the multidrug transporter ABCG2? FEBS Journal 275: 4354-4362.


Carrier, D., N. T. Abu Bakar, R. Swarup, R. Callaghan, R. Napier, M. J. Bennett and I. D. Kerr (2008). The binding of auxin to the Arabidopsis auxin influx transporter, AUX1 .Plant Physiol.148: 529-535.

Swarup, K., Benkova, E., Swarup, R., Casimiro, I., Péret, B., Yang, Y., Carrier, D., Nielsen, E., De Smet,E, Vanneste, S., Levesque, M. P., Parry, G., James, N. , Calvo, V. , Ljung, K., Kramer, E.M., Roberts, R., Graham, N., Marillonnet, S. , Patel, K. , Jones, J.D.G., Taylor, C.G. , Schachtman, D.P., May, S.T., Sandberg, G. , Benfey, P., Friml, J. , Kerr, I. , Beeckman, T., Laplaze, L. and Bennett, M.J.. (2008) The auxin influx carrier LAX3 facilitates lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis Nature Cell Biology10:946-954.


Storm, J. Modok, S. O'Mara M, L. Tieleman, D. P.Kerr, I.D. and Callaghan, R. (2008). The cytosolic region of TM6 in P-glycoprotein: topographical analysis and functional perturbation by site directed labelling. Biochemistry 47:3615-3624.


Lawson, J., O'Mara, M.L., and I.D. Kerr (2008)Structure-based interpretation of the mutagenesis database for the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein BBA Biomembranes 1778: 376-391 .


Callaghan, R., Crowley, E., Potter, S., and I.D. Kerr (2008) P-glycoprotein: So Many Ways to Turn It On . Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 48:365-378.


Storm, J., M. O'Mara, E. Crowley, J. Peall, D. P. Tieleman, I. D. Kerrand R. Callaghan (2007). Residue G346 in transmembrane segment six is involved in inter-domain communication in p-glycoprotein .Biochemistry46:9899-9910


Warner, D.J., Vadolia, M., Laughton, C.A., Kerr, I.D., and Doughty, S.W. (2007). Modelling the Restoration of Wild-Type Dynamic Behaviour indelta-F508-CFTR by 1,3-Dipropyl-8-Cyclopentylxanthine .J. Mol. Graph. Model. 26:691-699.


Chuthapisith, S., Layfield, R., Kerr, I.D ., Hughes, C., Eremin, O. (2007). Proteomic profiling of MCF-7 breast cancer cells with chemoresistance to different types of anti-cancer drugs . Int. J. Oncol. 30: 1545-1551


Chuthapisith, S., Layfield, R., Kerr, I.D. , and Eremin, O. (2007). Principles of proteomics and its applications in cancer. The Surgeon 5:14-22.


Kerr, I.D. and Bennett, M.J. (2007)New insight into the biochemical mechanisms regulating auxin transport in plants Biochemical Journal 401:613-622.


McDevitt, C., Collins, R. F., Conway, M., Modok, S., Storm, J., Kerr, I. D., Ford, R. C. & Callaghan, R. (2006)Purification and 3-D structural analysis of oligomeric human multidrug transporter ABCG2.Structure. 14:1623-32.


Clark, R., Kerr, I.D., and Callaghan, R. (2006) Multiple drug binding sites on the R482G isoform of ABCG2.Br. J. Pharmacol.149:506-15.


Kerr, I.D. and Simpkins, N. (2006)ABC transporters and isothiocyanates. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery . 3:607-621.


Callaghan, R. Ford, R.C. and Kerr, I.D.(2006)The translocation mechanism of P-glycoprotein . FEBS Letters 580:1056-1063. DOI 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.11.083


Kerr, I.D., Reynolds, E.D., and Cove, J.H. (2005).ABC proteins and antibiotic drug resistance: is it all about transport? Biochem. Soc. Trans.33: 1000-1002.


 Rothnie, A., Storm, J. McMahon, R.,Taylor, A., Kerr, I.D. and Callaghan, R.  (2005) The coupling mechanism of P-glycoprotein involves residue L339 in the sixth membrane spanning segment. FEBS Letters 579: 3984-3990. DOI:10.1016/j.febslet.2005.06.030



Campbell, J. D., Deol, S. S., Ashcroft, F. M.,Kerr, I. D. & Sansom, M. S. P. (2004) Nucleotide dependent conformational changes in HisP: molecular dynamics simulations of an ABC transporter nucleotide binding domain. , Biophys. J.87: 3703-3715. DOI:10.1529/biophysj.104.046870


Swarup, R., Kargul, J., Marchant, A., Szadik, D., Rahman, A., Mills, R., Yemm, A., May, S., Williams, L., Millner, P., Tsurumi, S., Moore, I., Napier, R., Kerr, I. D. & Bennett, M. J. (2004)Structure-function analysis of the presumptive Arabidopsis auxin permease AUX1. Plant Cell. 16:3069-3083. DOI 10.1105/tpc.104.024737.


 Rothnie, A., Storm, J.,Campbell, J., Linton, K.J., Kerr, I.D. and Callaghan, R. (2004). The topography of transmembrane segment six is altered during the catalytic cycle of P-glycoprotein.J. Biol. Chem.279:34913-34921. DOI: 10.174/jbc.M405336200.


Kerr, I.D. (2004). Sequence analysis of twin ATP binding cassette proteins involved in translational control, antibiotic resistance and ribonuclease L inhibition. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 315. 166-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.01.044.


Kerr, I.D ., Berridge, G., K. J. Linton, C. F. Higgins, R. Callaghan (2003). Definition of domain boundaries is critical to the expression of the nucleotide-binding domains of P-glycoprotein.Eur. Biophys. J.32.644-654. DOI: 10.1007/s00249-003-0327-6.


Stenham, D. R., J. D. Campbell, M. S. P. Sansom, C. F. Higgins,I. D. Kerr and K. J. Linton (2003).An atomic detail model for the human ATP binding cassette transporter, P-glycoprotein, derived from disulphide cross-linking and homology modelling. FASEB J. 17.2287-2289. DOI 10.1096/fj.03-0107fje.


Gabriel M.P., Storm, J., Rothnie, A., Taylor, A., Linton K.J.,Kerr I.D. and Callaghan, R. (2003)Communication between the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein occurs via conformational changes that involve residue 508 . Biochemistry 42. 7780-7789. DOI 10.1021/bi0341049.


Berridge, G., J. A. Walker, R. Callaghan and Kerr, I.D. (2003). The nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein: functional symmetry in the isolated domain demonstrated by N-ethylmaleimide binding . Eur. J. Biochem.270. 1473-1492. DOI 10.146/j1432.1033.2003.03514.x.


Linton, K.J., Rosenberg, M.F., Kerr, I.D.,and Higgins, C.F. (2003). The structure of ABC Transporters. In. "ABC Proteins: From Bacteria to Man", ed. I.B. Holland. S. Cole, K. Kuchler, C.F. Higgins. Academic Press, London. p 65-80.


 Kerr,I. D. (2002).Structure and association of ABC transporter nucleotide-binding domains.Biochim. Biophys. Acta.1561: 47-64. DOI:10.1016/S0304-4157(01)00008-9.


Rosenberg, M.F., Verlade, G., Ford, R. C., Martin, C., Berridge, G.,Kerr, I. D., Callaghan, R., Schmidlin, A., Wooding, C., Linton, K. J., and Higgins, C. F. (2001).Major conformational changes in the transmembrane domains of an ABC transporter, the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein, during the transport cycle .EMBO J.20:5615-5625.


 Son, H. S.,Kerr, I. D., and Sansom, M. S. (2000).Simulation studies on bacteriorhodopsin bundle of transmembranea-segments.Eur. Biophys. J.28: 663-673. 



 Kerr, I. D., Ranatunga, K. M., and Sansom, M. S. P. (1999). The voltage-gated potassium channel: sequence analysis and molecular modelling of the pore domain.Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 15: 187-214.


Sansom, M. S., Kerr,I. D., Law, R., Davison, L., and Tieleman, D. P. (1998). Modelling the packing of transmembrane helices: application to aquaporin-1 .Biochem. Soc. Trans.26: 509-515.


 Ranatunga, K. M.,Kerr, I. D., Adcock, C., Smith, G. R., and Sansom, M. S. (1998).Protein-water-ion interactions in a model of the pore domain of a potassium channel: a simulation study. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1370: 1-7.


Breed, J., Kerr, I. D. , Molle, G., Duclohier, H., and Sansom, M. S. (1997).Ion channel stability and hydrogen bonding. Molecular modelling of channels formed by synthetic alamethicin analogues.Biochim. Biophys. Acta1330: 103-109.


 Kerr, I. D., and Sansom, M. S. (1997).The pore-lining region of shaker voltage-gated potassium channels: comparison of beta-barrel and alpa-helix bundle models. Biophys. J. 73: 581-602.


Sansom, M. S.,Kerr, I. D., Smith, G. R., and Son, H. S. (1997).The influenza A virus M2 channel: a molecular modeling and simulation study. Virology 233: 163-173.


Breed, J., Biggin, P. C.,Kerr, I. D. , Smart, O. S., and Sansom, M. S. (1997). Alamethicin channels - modelling via restrained molecular dynamics simulations. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1325: 235-249.


Grice, A. L.,Kerr, I. D. , and Sansom, M. S. (1997). Ion channels formed by HIV-1 Vpu: a modelling and simulation study .FEBS. Lett 405: 299-304.


Schmitt, J. D., Sansom, M. S., Kerr,I. D., Lunt, G. G., and Eisenthal, R. (1997). Ferrocenoyl derivatives of alamethicin: redox-sensitive ion channels .Biochemistry 36: 1115-1122.


Cosette, P., Kerr, I. D., La Rocca, P., Duclohier, H. & Sansom, M. S. P. (1997) Secondary structure of an isolated P-region from the voltage-gated sodium channel: a molecular modelling/dynamics study. ,Biophysical Chemistry. 69 : 221-232.


Ponting, C. P., and Kerr, I. D. (1996). A novel family of phospholipase D homologues that includes phospholipid synthases and putative endonucleases: identification of duplicated repeats and potential active site residues .Protein Sci.5: 914-922.


Kerr, I. D., Doak, D. G., Sankararamakrishnan, R., Breed, J., and Sansom, M. S. (1996).Molecular modelling of Staphylococcald -toxin ion channels by restrained molecular dynamics. Protein Eng .9: 161-171.


Kerr, I. D., Son, H. S., Sankararamakrishnan, R., and Sansom, M. S. (1996).Molecular dynamics simulations of isolated transmembrane helices of potassium channels.Biopolymers39: 503-515.


Sansom, M. S.,Kerr, I. D., Breed, J., and Sankararamakrishnan, R. (1996). Water in channel-like cavities: structure and dynamics. Biophys. J.70: 693-702.  


Breed, J., Sankararamakrishnan, R.,Kerr,I. D., and Sansom, M. S. (1996).Molecular dynamics simulations of water within models of ion channels.Biophys. J.70: 1643-1661.


Mellor,I. R., Kerr, I. D., Sansom, M. S. P., Sukumar, M., and Balaram, P. (1996). Voltage-activated ion channels formed by a synthetica-helical peptide:- determination of channel stoichiometry and molecular modelling of peptide conformation.Cell. Molec. Biol. Lett. 1: 325-336.


Sansom, M. S. P., and Kerr, I. D. (1995). Principles of membrane protein structure. In "Biomembranes", A. Lee, ed. (New York: JAI Press), pp. 29-78.


Sansom, M. S., and Kerr, I. D. (1995).Transbilayer pores formed byb-barrels: molecular modeling of pore structures and properties. Biophys. J.69: 1334-1343.


Sansom, M. S., Sankararamakrishnan, R., and Kerr,I. D. (1995).Modelling membrane proteins using structural restraints.Nat. Struct. Biol. 2: 624-631.


Kerr, I. D., Dufourcq, J., Rice, J. A., Fredkin, D. R., and Sansom, M. S. (1995). Ion channel formation by synthetic analogues of staphylococcal deta-toxin.Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1236: 219-227.


Sansom, M. S., Son, H. S., Sankararamakrishnan, R.,Kerr, I. D. , and Breed, J. (1995). Seven-helix bundles: molecular modeling via restrained molecular dynamics. Biophys. J.68: 1295-1310.


Breed, J.,Kerr, I. D., Sankararamakrishnan, R., and Sansom, M. S. (1995). Packing interactions of Aib-containing helices: molecular modeling of parallel dimers of simple hydrophobic helices and of alamethicin.Biopolymers 35: 639-655.


Kerr, I. D. , and Sansom, M. S. (1995). Cation selectivity in ion channels [Comment on: Nature 1994 Oct 6;371:516-9. Nature 373: 112



Kerr, I. D. , Sankararamakrishnan, R., Smart, O. S., and Sansom, M. S. (1994). Parallel helix bundles and ion channels: molecular modeling via simulated annealing and restrained molecular dynamics . Biophys. J.67: 1501-1515.


Gazit, E., Bach, D.,Kerr, I. D., Sansom, M. S., Chejanovsky, N., and Shai, Y. (1994). The alpha-5 segment of Bacillus thuringiensis d-endotoxin: in vitro activity, ion channel formation and molecular modelling .Biochem. J. 304: 895-902.


Woolley, G. A., Epand, R. M.,Kerr, I. D., Sansom, M. S., and Wallace, B. A. (1994). Alamethicin pyromellitate: an ion-activated channel-forming peptide. Biochemistry 33: 6850-58.


Haris, P. I., Ramesh, B., Sansom, M. S., Kerr, I. D., Srai, K. S., and Chapman, D. (1994). Studies of the pore-forming domain of a voltage-gated potassium channel. Protein Eng.7: 255-262.


Sansom, M. S., and Kerr, I. D. (1993). Influenza virus M2 protein: a molecular modelling study of the ion channel. Protein Eng. 6: 65-74.

Kerr, I. D., and Sansom, M. S. (1993).Hydrophilic surface maps of channel-forming peptides: analysis of amphipathic helices .Eur. Biophys. J. 22: 269-277.

Sansom, M. S., Kerr, I. D. , and Mellor, I. R. (1991). Ion channels formed by amphipathic helical peptides. A molecular modelling study. Eur. Biophys. J. 20: 229-240.

Howl, J., Kerr, I. D., Chan, C. H., and Wheatley, M. (1991). A selective biotinylated probe for V1a vasopressin receptors .Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 77: 123-131.














Highlight Box

March 2021. New bioinformatics paper on a structural motif responsible for ABCG family functional divergence.


February 2021. New paper with Beth Coyle’s group on the role of TWIST1 and ABCB1 in medulloblastoma migration.


January 2021. New paper with Tony Bishopp’s group on regulation of plant cytokinin signalling


January 2021. New article with Sue-Mien Then and colleagues at UoNM on interaction of ABCG2 with vitamin E derivatives


December 2020 new review with Ingrid Gelissen and Shereen Aleidi about the interaction of lipids with ABCG proteins.


November 2020 New review with Karl Kuchler, Erik Lee and Thomas Stockner on picky and promiscuous ABCG family proteins.


November 2020. New paper with Beth Coyle on hydrogel models of medulloblastoma


November 2020. New review with Beth Coyle on the unexplored role of YBX1 in childrens brain tumours


April 2020. New paper with Richard Callaghan on combining multiple techniques to interrogate ABCB1 structure and dynamics


February 2020. New paper on using FCS to measure ABCG2:drug interaction


January 2020. New paper on the constant contact interface in ABCG2.


August 2019 new paper with Beth Coyle on the role of ABCB1 in ependymoma.