Kerr Lab, Nottingham,

ABC Transporter Research


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Here are our lab protocols. They are all MS-Word files. Don't forget that the protocol (a.k.a. Standard Operating Procedure) is not the same as the Risk Assessment, and so I take no responsibility for safety if you download and use these. They are tried and tested in our lab but may not fit all requirements; I'm always happy to advise other researchers on experimental protocols if I can so please get in touch.

Sequence analysis video

Time course analysis video

Agarose gel electrophoresis

ATPase assay

Calcium phosphate transfection of mammalian cells

Chemically competent bacterial cells and transformation

Cytotoxicity assay for mammalian cells

Densitometry analysis

Electro-competent bacterial cells and transformation

Gradient centrifugation techniques

·         iodixanol gradients

·         sucrose gradients


Inclusion body preparation

Insect cell culture general routines

·         handling insect cells

·         baculovirus generation

·         plaque assays

Mammalian cell culture general routines

·        Stable cell line generation

Membrane preparation from tissue culture cells

PCR reaction

PCR screening of recombinant plasmids

Plasmid manipulations

Plasmid preparation

Polyethyleneimine mediated mammalian cell transfection

Poly-lysine coating of tissue culture plates

Precipitations of protein by TCA or acetone

Protease inhibitors

Protein Assays

·         DC-Brad (Bio-rad) Lowry assay

·         bicinchonic acid (BCA) assay

SDS PAGE gel staining techniques

SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Small and large scale protein expression

Western blotting

optimising western blots














Highlight Box

February 2020. New paper on using FCS to measure ABCG2:drug interaction

January 2020. New paper on the constant contact interface in ABCG2.

August 2019 new paper with Beth Coyle on the role of ABCB1 in ependymoma.

August 2018 new review on the SNPs of ABCG2

June 2018 new paper on drug binding sites in ABCG2.

June 2018 collaborative paper with Bishopp group on phosphate response in roots.

 Feb 2017 new paper with the Callaghan group locating drug binding sites in ABCB1/P-glycoprotein

June 2016 open access review on ABCG2 published in Biochemical Society Transactions

Feb 2016 Paper published in Journal of Neuro-oncology on cell migration inhibition in a glioma cell line

October 2015: Paper published in BBA Mol Cell Research on ABCG2 dynamics and oligomerisation studied by TIRF microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

October 2015. Two new reviews in Biochemical Society Transactions on the history of ABC transporter research, and ABC transporters in brain tumours

July 2015: Paper published in Bioscience Reports on mutations in ABCG2 affecting trafficking and drug transport






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