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Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Touching Science


Touching Science is a project co-supervised by Dr. Liz Sockett and Mr. Norman Brown (Head of Biology at RNIB, New College, Worcester). In it Nottingham University bioscience undergraduates have linked up with high school students, with a visual impairment from RNIB New College, to produce packs explaining modern molecular biology, cloning micro-organisms and food safety issues. These issues are challenging for us all and even more challenging when you have a visual impairment. The "Touching Science" Project tackles those problems. 

Touching Science pack in use

Cathy Durbridge (l) (B.Sc. Hons Biology 1996) and Andrew Johnson (r) (B.Sc. Hons Microbiology 1996) working with Lai-Shan Tillett from RNIB New college on a Touching Science Pack

Working with A level students at RNIB New College, Worcester

The association began in July 1995 when the Colleges head of biology brought several of his students to a 'Life Science' open day at the University of Nottingham. Dr. Sockett was one of the speakers and suggested a collaboration between undergraduates under her supervision and students at the College in order to design biological learning aids for the visually impaired. Models and tactile diagrams were designed and built including: The tactile bacterium, the nitrogen cycle, enzyme structure and function, DNA structure and genetic engineering models.

Comment from the school

"As a result of the collaboration I will receive some very high quality teaching aids which I know will work with my students, and will improve the content of the areas of biological knowledge covered by the models."

 ~ Head of Biology.


Thumbnails show some of the tactile resources made available to students

(click on the thumbnail to enlarge in a new window) 

Colonies and Phage lysates Nitrogen cycle Central Dogma Restriction enzymes models Raised tactile diagram Ribosomes and tRNA

Worksheets Ribose Bacterium attaching to gut work pack Tactile Bacterium

Hoe enzymes work E.coli forming pedestal A touching science pack

Article from bbsrc 'Making that link' publication November 1996 Tactile model

*Full details of these resources will be available on this site shortly.

Links to how some of these models were made and are used can be found at the foot of the page.

Contact Information

If you would like further information on the Touching Science Project, or know someone visually impaired who would like to borrow a pack, please contact the project organisers:

Dr Liz Sockett
          Institute of Genetics
University of Nottingham
          Queen's Medical Centre
          Tel 0115-9194496
E-mail: liz.sockett@nottingham.ac.uk
Mr. Norman Brown
RNIB New College
Whittington Road
Worcester, WR5 2JX
Tel 01905 763933
E-mail: brownn@rnibncw.demon.co.uk