Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

A Brazil. Philosophy of a Common Place

Online - MS Teams
Thursday 4th May 2023 (13:30-15:30)

In this talk, Professors Lemos and Pinheiro will be discussing arguments and analyses that are central to their forthcoming book A Brazil. Philosophy of a Common Place. The talk will be in two parts: a first part will discuss the book’s general outline and the methodological approach that it adopts to address the assimilation of Brazil’s colonial condition to national foundational narratives. It will discuss Euclides da Cunha’s Os sertões (Backlands: The Canudos Campaign), a literary text that was key to the construction of Brazilian national identity in the early twentieth century. The second part of the talk will introduce and evaluate the work of Rosa Maria Egpcíaca da Vera Cruz (1719-1778), an enslaved African woman, who despite the social constraints of slavery, bought her freedom and became an important spiritual leader in Rio de Janeiro in the 18th Century. 

Fabiano Lemos (UERJ, Brazil) is a Professor at the Department of Philosophy and the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He has published articles in Brazil and abroad and is the author of the books Soldados e centauros: educação, filosofia e messianismo no jovem Nietzsche [Soldiers and Centaurs: Education, Philosophy and Messianism in the Young Nietzsche] (Mauad, 2015), O ofício da origem [The Work of Origin]" (Kotter, 2018) and O contracânone romântico [The Romantic Counter-Canon: Essays on a (certain) Philosophy of German Romanticism]" (Eduerj, 2022).

Ulysses Pinheiro (UFRJ, Brazil) is a Professor at the Department of Philosophy and the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Nad at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Coordinator of the Leibniz Working Group of the National Association of Post-Graduate Studies in Philosophy (Brazil). Member of the Red Iberoamericana Leibniz (Universidad de Granada - Spain) and of the project Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy (Simon Fraser University - Canada). In addition to organizing books and publishing articles in academic journals, he recently published the book Descartes and the Hatred of Writing (Kotter Editorial, 2019) and Politics of Eternity. Transitions in Spinoza (Editora da UFRJ, in press).

This event is jointly organised by the Centre for Critical Theory and Centre for the Study of Post Conflict Societies.


Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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