
Draft programme

Gender and Sexuality in Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Past and Present is a two-day conference held at the University of Nottingham's Jubilee Campus.

The event is supported financially by the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies, the Royal Historical Society, and the University of Nottingham. 

This programme is subject to change. 

Gender and Sexuality in Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Past and Present

Day one, Tuesday 7 March

9.00 - 9.30

Welcome and registration 


Panel: LGBT Representations and Experiences

  • Kadri Aavik (Tallinn University, Estonia) The personal is political: intimate citizenship and the experiences of transgender people in Estonia
  • Radzhana Buyantueva (University of Newcastle, UK) Implications to the development of LGBT activism in Russia
  • Mariya Grant (University of Edinburgh, UK)
    Locating Non-Heterosexual and Non-Cisgender Kazakhs Within Their Social and Historical Context

Chair: Siobhan Hearne (University of Nottingham)

11.00- 11.30 Coffee
11.30- 13.00

Panel: Pregnancy, Abortion and Childbearing

  • Yuliya Hilevych and Chizu Sato (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
    Abortion cultures during the Cold War in Soviet Ukraine
  • Natalia Mitsyuk (Smolensk State Medical University, Russia)
    Woman’s body is not a female business: the medicalization of pregnancy in Russia (18th-20th centuries)
  • Marianna Muravyeva (Higher School of Economics, Tampere, Finland)
    Emancipated Mothers: Gender, Mother-Abuse and Traditional Values in post-Soviet Russia

Chair: Nick Baron (University of Nottingham)

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00- 15.00

Keynote address: Dr Sarah Badcock (University of Nottingham, UK)

15.00-15.30 Coffee

Panel: Gender, Sexuality and National Identities

  • Emil Edenborg (Södertörn University, Sweden)
    Interrogating “the gay divide”: Russian sexual politics and the everyday bordering of Europe
  • Benedetta Macripo (University of Bologna, Italy)
    Lithuanian National Identity in Transition: a Gender Perspective

Chair: Yuliya Hilevych (Radboud University)

17.00 Wine reception – Business School Building South, Jubilee Campus
18.30 Dinner - Kayal Restaurant, Broad Street, Nottingham


Day two, Wednesday 8 March




Panel: Gender and Sexuality in Advertising

  • Maria Kochneva (Higher School of Economics, Russia) Female images in perfume advertising in Russian magazines for young women: the stigmatization of teenage girls
  • Tim Veith (University of Siegen, Germany) Masculinity and Bodies in the Polish Magazine in the 1990s
  • Olga Boitsova (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) and Ekaterina Orekh (St Petersburg State University, Russia) Pink and blue in the USSR and Post-Soviet Russia: Discourse on colours of children’s clothes and its reception

Chair: Marianna Murayeva (Higher School of Economics)

11.30- 12.00 Coffee

Panel: Gendered Representations in Art and Literature

  • Gabriella Elina Imposti (University of Bologna, Italy)
    Doctors and patients in Russian literature by women writers
  • Irina Marchesini (University of Bologna, Italy)
    Gender, Hybridity and the Construction of Literary Characters. The Case of Sasha Sokolov’s Palisandriia
  • Mariia Semashyna (Central European University, Hungary) The Politics of Whimsy: Writing and Rewriting of the Body in the Diaries of Daniil Kharms
  • Kate Martin (University of Nottingham) The Baba and the Bolshevichka - Representing Women and Literacy in Literature and on Screen in the Early Soviet Union

Chair: Sarah Badcock (University of Nottingham)

13.30-14.15 Lunch

Panel: Intersections of Race and Ethnicity in Studies of Gender and Sexuality

  • Christine Weis (De Montfort University, UK)
    ‘Fertile’, ‘docile’ – yet undesired. The ethnic stratification of Central Asian women in the Russian surrogacy markets
  • Marina Yusupova (University of Manchester, UK)
    Russian Masculinities and Cultural Construction of Whiteness: Gendering Race, Religion and Citizenship

Chair: Radzhana Buyantueva (University of Newcastle)

15.30-16.00 Coffee

Panel: Gendered Labour and Discrimination

  • Hannah Parker (University of Sheffield, UK) 'I want to become a happy mother': the Rights of Working Mothers ​in the early Soviet State
  • Elena Brodaela (European University Institute, Italy) Women’s access to political power: legal and political debates on electoral gender quotas in Romania
  • Barbara Havelkova (University of Oxford, UK) The post-socialist ‘few bad apples’ theory of anti-discrimination law
  • Humay Akhundzade (European University St Petersburg, Russia) “Hired daughters” or strangers in family: sick-nurse labour for elders in the Azerbaijani families

Chair: Kate Martin (University of Nottingham)



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