Schools Partnership Gateway

Unique Opportunities for Teachers

Explore below to discover talks, events, research and other opportunities to get involved with the School of Education. If you would like any more information or have any questions, please get in touch.

Talks and events

Current events are shown below, but please also visit the subject interest group pages too as events specific to those groups will be shown there.

SEND seminar programmes

These twilight sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are open to all students in the School of Education and staff in partner schools.

Forthcoming seminars

There are no forthcoming events.

See all events

ECT networking meetings

There are currently no events

Other events

ITE Summer Conference

2 July 2024 4.15-7pm
Jubilee Campus

Full details and register



Subject interest groups

The subject interest groups provide a space to discuss your subject, share ideas, research etc. as part of a safe, supportive community of inquiry. These are free for all teachers in partnership schools. 


PG Cert Mentoring and Coaching Teachers

Study part-time over 10 months. September start.

This course enables you to explore what is known about mentoring and coaching in the context of education.

You will examine your own, and others’ practices, and develop your professional skills to implement a mentoring plan. 

Course information


Primary Education Network

The Primary Education Network (PEN) draws together all colleagues with an interest in primary education. The aim of the network is to discuss changes and innovation in primary education.

The PEN has a blog with a monthly post. 

There are also network event for local teachers, recent topics have included:

  • Inquiry / using research evidence
  • Pupil premium
  • Memory 1
  • Memory 2

Other opportunities

  • Our research activity is organised through six research centres which regularly run events and seminars, and are committed to improving social justice and equality in education
  • We offer a number of higher level degrees in education and you can benefit from discounted fees as well as the opportunity to study as a school cohort if more than 10 teachers wish to enrol
  • Our Subject Advisory Groups help develop Initial Teacher Education provision at a subject level; they meet once a term and invitations to join these groups are sent out early in the academic year.
  • You can get involved in the recruitment and selection process for teacher training candidates and School Direct partners can meet prospective candidates at our open days
  • Teaching opportunities are available on all our routes and a supply contribution is paid to schools; if you have a particular area of expertise that trainee teachers could benefit from please get in touch


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543