School of Education

Student Profiles

Click on the photos below to go to a specific profile to see what our alumni say about their experience of the PGCEi course and how it has helped with their professional development.

Edmundo Serrinha Rosa - PGCEi student

Edmundo from Portugal
Cohort: Shanghai

Lucy Clarke - PGCEi student

Lucy from the UK
Cohort: Shanghai

Bogdana Konotop - PGCEI student

Bogdana from Ukraine
Cohort: Bangalore

Ying Cao - PGCEi student - Hong Kong cohort

Ying from China
Cohort: Hong Kong


Edmundo Rosa

Edmundo Serrinha Rosa - PGCEi student
The PGCEi course has been a transformative experience for me. It has not only expanded my understanding of key educational concepts but also provided me with practical skills in research. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their teaching practice and advance their careers.

Home country: Portugal
PGCEi cohort: Shanghai
Year of graduation: 2022 

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose to study at the University of Nottingham because I wanted to get a strong British academic certificate from a trusted university that would add value to my teaching career. Although I already held an MA Second Language Studies from the University College Dublin, I felt that I needed more theoretical background and a robust understanding of pedagogy and teaching and learning.

Additionally, I was keen to work for a leading international school, and I knew that having a PGCEi qualification would provide me with the right academic pathway to pursue this goal. Finally, I sought a flexible course that could be completed online and that I could do while working. This programme met all these requirements, and I was able to complete it in less than a year while continuing to work full-time in my previous school.

How has the course helped you in your career?

The PGCEi has had great impact in my career as an educator. It has helped me to enhance my teaching practice and become a more confident and effective teacher. Through the course, I gained new knowledge and skills that I was able to apply in my day-to-day work. Moreover, the PGCEi has opened up new opportunities for professional development and career advancement. I was able to secure a position at St. Julian's School, a leading international school in Europe, where I have been able to further develop my teaching practice and gain back the investment I made in the programme within a year of completing it. Overall, the PGCEi has been an asset to my career and has helped me to advance in the field of education.

What are your plans now you have completed the course?

Having completed the PGCEi course in 2022, my plan is to continue developing my teaching practice in Portuguese as a foreign language, at St. Julian's School, and further my professional development in education. I aim to contribute to the development of innovative teaching methods and curricula, with a focus on the effective use of technology and outdoor learning. In the next few years, I plan to obtain the International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS) and, within five years or so, start a PhD in Portuguese as a Second/Foreign Language. These steps will help me enhance my expertise and impact in the field of education.

Is there a specific module on the PGCEi course that you enjoyed the most?

I particularly enjoyed the module Inquiring into Educational Practice in International Contexts. I got to plan and undertake a small-scale investigation in my own educational context, focusing on an aspect of my students' learning. I conducted a study to explore how my Grade three students demonstrated understanding performances when challenged with two-digit numbers in Portuguese. 

The project was very engaging as it supported me in developing an understanding of the principles, methodological, and ethical considerations of educational research. I submitted a research proposal early in the module and received valuable feedback from the course tutor, which helped refine my investigation. Carrying out a literature review to support my inquiry was both challenging and rewarding. The completed assignment, which related investigation findings to preparatory reading material, enhanced my understanding of educational research. 

I believe the aims of this module were thoroughly met. Specifically, I applied Perkins' framework of teaching methodology, which centres around the belief that students learn through performances. This approach was instrumental in choreographing the creation of understanding performances, where students were challenged with everyday tasks such as playing bingo or going shopping to improve their understanding of two-digit numbers in Portuguese. 

This module was particularly helpful in promoting critical reflection and professional learning, which has had a lasting impact on my teaching practice.

What was the best part of the course?

The best part of the course was its blended nature, which included both self-paced components and face-to-face online sessions. The online components were well-structured and user-friendly, allowing me to easily navigate and complete the coursework. The face-to-face sessions provided a wonderful opportunity to engage with my fellow students and tutors. Additionally, the support from my tutor, Ruth Graham, was invaluable.

How have you been supported on this course?

I was well-supported throughout the course by the trainers, and particularly by my assigned tutor, who provided tireless advice and guidance. The online library offered easy access to peer-reviewed articles, which was helpful for my research papers. The Turnitin platform was a valuable tool to help me avoid plagiarism and learn to use my own words effectively, even though English is not my first language. Additionally, the course structure and deadlines kept me motivated and focused.

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance job/course (and personal life)?

Balancing work, the course, and personal life was challenging but manageable due to the flexible nature of the PGCEi programme. The course was designed to be completed online, which allowed me to fit my studies around my full-time work schedule. Setting clear priorities, staying organised, and respecting deadlines were key strategies that helped me manage my responsibilities effectively.

Why do you think students should choose this course?

Students should choose the PGCEi course because it offers a comprehensive and flexible approach to gaining a robust understanding of pedagogy and teaching practices. The course provides valuable theoretical knowledge and practical applications that can be directly applied to one's teaching practice. Additionally, the support from tutors and access to extensive resources make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to advance their teaching careers.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the course?

Firstly, don’t be discouraged if English is not your first language or if you come from a different professional background than teaching. There will be others like you. This course does require dedication and efficient time management, but the rewards and career advancements are well worth the money and the effort.


Lucy Clarke - PGCEi studentLucy Clarke

Home country: UK
PGCEi cohort: Shanghai
Year of graduation: 2022

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose the University of Nottingham due to its high profile in international education and after recommendation from a friend.

How has the course helped you in your career?

The course has been fantastic in terms of my own professional development. I have been given the position of Head of Academics at my own school which allows me to work directly with the teachers and to serve as their line manager. I feel like I have been able to use what I have learned in the PGCEi to help me with this new position and it has given me the confidence to make decisions within my role that can truly help the students and faculty.

What do you want to do now you have completed the course?

I have definitely had my interest in further study piqued! I hope to use what I have learned for a few years and then return to do my masters in education (leadership) when I am ready.

Is there a specific module on the PGCEi course that you enjoyed the most?

I really enjoyed Understanding Learning and Teaching in International Contexts, especially the section in which we were able to choose our own units. In this section my favourite unit was questioning. I found this really interesting and feel like it really made me consider the different ways that I could use questioning in my own teaching. I refer to it almost every day and I feel like it definitely opened up my understanding to the theories behind questioning and evaluating student understanding.

What was the best part of the course?

For me, when I was at university for my undergraduate degree, I felt like I was there out of requirement, as though it was a given or a ‘must’ to do. What I loved about the PGCEi was that everyone was there by their own volition and so the atmosphere was very much one of passion and interest. I think getting to meet other students in similar positions was one of the best parts of the course for me.

How have you been supported on this course?

I received very useful feedback from my tutor and also the network of other students who were taking the course were very supported. All responses from the university were quick and helpful!

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance job/course (and personal life)?

I made an effort to separate both as much as possible and dedicated time in my evenings and weekend to studying. I also needed to keep time for my own passions so I treated my studying like a second job with allotted hours. I think this was very helpful for me.

Why do you think students should choose this course?

I think if you want to commit to education and teaching, this is the right course for you. It really broke down a lot of the theories in education and gave a good overview of teaching in international settings. I think this is a great course if you are a teacher working outside of your home country.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the course?

My advice would be to break down your time carefully and stay organised. It’s very easy to put off university work but will only give you headaches down the line. Work diligently and ask for help from your course mates and lecturers when you need it.


Bogdana Konotop - PGCEI studentBogdana Konotop

Home country: Ukraine
PGCEi cohort: Bangalore
Year of graduation: 2023 

Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose to study at the university because of the flexibility it offers with its online courses. I had been thinking of taking a PGCE course to advance my teaching career, but with a full-time job it was not be possible. Therefore, the part-time PGCEi was an excellent solution for me.

How has the course helped you in your career?

The PGCEi has broadened my views and helped me to gain new insights into teaching and learning, which I believe will benefit me as an educator. I am also hoping that I can use this experience to advance my teaching career in the future. 

What do you want to do now you have completed the course?

I plan to keep developing my career as a kindergarten/early years teacher. 

Is there a specific module on the PGCEi course that you enjoyed the most?

I especially enjoyed Understanding Learning and Teaching in International Contexts, as it gave me an opportunity to explore a wide range of learning theories. I liked the flexibility of this module as it allowed me to focus on the theories I was interested in, so I could develop a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts.

What was the best part of the course?

I liked how approachable the tutors were and how flexible the course was, not only in terms of schedule, but also in terms of freedom of choosing a direction for my own research and topics for written assignments.

How have you been supported on this course?

The tutors were available to answer any question or address any concerns throughout the course. I’d like to thank my tutor, Jalpa Ruparelia, for her support and encouragement throughout the course from day one through to the submission of my last assignment and completion of the course. I truly appreciate it. 

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance job/course (and personal life)?

Balancing a full-time job and studying is always challenging. I also had to move countries midway through the course, which was an additional hassle. However, I feel that having a clear plan and knowing the deadlines for each assignment was truly beneficial. I also received some great advice from my tutor, whose guidance helped me form a strategy in order to successfully move from module to module.

Do you have any advice for someone considering the course?

Get familiar with the course outline, know what to expect in terms of assignments and deadlines and this course will become enjoyable journey. 


Ying Cao - PGCEi student - Hong Kong cohortYing Cao

Home country: China
PGCEi cohort: Hong Kong 
Year of graduation: 2022


Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

Choosing to study at the University of Nottingham turned out to be a great fit for me. I started to work as a teaching assistant at an international school a couple of years ago and I became quite passionate about learning as much as I could about international education. With the suggestion from my principal, I started to investigate options to further my study in this area. I have quite a few colleagues that had studied at Nottingham before and they all spoke highly of the university and the course. Therefore, when it came to my own PGCEi studies, Nottingham was one of the universities I researched and compared with other universities and finally chose.

How has the course helped you in your career?

The course has helped me greatly in better understanding how to support my students with their academic growth, social development, and connection to their studies. After completing the course, I was able to transfer my role from teaching assistant to early years teacher. I have now been in the role of a teacher for almost a year and it is really great to apply what I have learnt during the course to my daily work with the students.

What do you want to do now you have completed the course?

I am looking forward to beginning my postgraduate journey in education with the university in the very near future. 

Is there a specific module on the PGCEi course that you enjoyed the most?

This is a challenge to answer, as I liked all the modules, but the last module (inquiring into educational practice) gave us an opportunity to build on the first two modules of study and connect the research directly to our students and everyday classroom situations. It helped me transfer and connect knowledge of the learned theories of education, its aims and values, and learning and teaching methodologies into my classroom practice. It definitely enabled me to better appreciate and assist my own students with their own learning and understanding.

How have you been supported on this course?

Perhaps I can put this into a list:

  • University - the online library was such a good supporting resource
  • Tutor - an experienced tutor, replying to any questions, concerns, and needs in a speedy and informative manner, providing excellent guidance
  • Peers – information and resources shared in our Wechat group was essential
  • Colleagues – very supportive and always ready for a pedagogical discussion
  • Family – helped me with my time management, ensuring I could best manage my work-life balance
  • School – helped me find a mentor and enabled my research opportunities 

The Wechat group we organised and set up for those peers that were in China during the study was a really positive support tool and provided wonderful and lasting connections. We shared our thoughts about certain articles, modules, and resources, and reminded each other about deadlines and other course needs. It actually felt like we were a team and, as such, it really was a stimulating and collaborative effort at times. I really enjoyed everyone’s company while doing this challenging learning journey together. 

If you were working while studying, how did you manage to balance job/course (and personal life)?

Before taking the course, I was working full-time, a mother of two young children, and already trying to maintain a work-life balance. So then to put study on top of this, was challenging – but so rewarding. I would say it was not a battle that I undertook alone, the support of my family and colleagues was so appreciated. The set-up of the course, also gave us the opportunity to choose the most convenient time to plan and do our study. It was flexible enough, but the structure and course information also enabled me to plan ahead. For me, studying a couple of hours at night, every night, after the children were asleep, allowed me to devote myself fully to my job during working hours, and also gave me the precious time to spend with my family that I needed during the weekends. 

Why do you think students should choose this course?

It definitely helps with educators who are willing and want to work internationally. The study builds a strong theoretic base and has many thought-provoking and reflection-triggering readings and videos. It also offers great real-life connections to your students. I am absolutely an even better teacher after successfully navigating this course.

Do you have any advice for someone considering this course?

Stay strong and positive, take one step at a time. Reach out when you need to, but know that with a determined mind, you will grow, succeed and benefit.


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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