
Use our FAQs area as your first port of call for support. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please raise a support request.


If you are an approver, you should receive email notifications advising of items awaiting approval (unless you have opted out of notifications).

To check this select the User Profile icon from the top toolbar in Contensis and look under Account for 'Opt Out of CMS Workflow Notifications'.

Even if you opt out of notifications, you can check for content awaiting approval by clicking on the Approval icon, which is the tick next to the Contensis logo at the top left.

Click on Approve/Decline for the selected page and from here you can preview, approve, decline and more.


Find out who your unit web coordinator is, they may be able to approve work for you. Failing this, complete a support request.


It is possible to email a link to an edited page in an email. Once your changes are saved, click 'Preview', then copy the URL address of this preview into your email. This will allow the recipient to look at your draft and feedback before you submit it for approval.

Note: pages on the test server ( can not be viewed off-campus unless you use our VPN.


You can normally expect your work to be live between 10 minutes and two hours. Changes to the navigation may take longer.


You will have to revoke the page from being submitted for approval before you can make further changes.


The time for approval depends on your approver. If you need a page urgently approving, we suggest contacting your approver or unit web coordinator directly.


It's possible to schedule a page (or document) to publish on a date in the future (perfect if your work needs to go live over the weekend or at midnight). This only works on authorised pages. Here's what you do:

  1. In edit mode of your page, select the properties tab
  2. Tick the "Set new Release" checkbox
  3. Use the calendar to select the date you want the page to go live
  4. Select the time you want the page to go live
  5. Save
  6. Submit and Approve (or submit to your approver)

Note: Your page will be sent to the publishing queue at your scheduled date/time. It will not publish at this exact time. If therefore, you know there will be lots of other pages in the queue, it's worth scheduling your page to go live slightly earlier. 


To enable or disable Contensis notifications:

  1. Access your user profile (via the top toolbar near the Contensis icon)
  2. Ensure you have provided a valid email address (under the Contact section)
  3. Check/uncheck the Opt out of CMS Workflow Notifications option (under the Account section)
  4. Save

If you need a staff listing on your site, please contact your eStaffProfile administrator or web coordinator and ask them for your unit ID.

Your admin will need this to set up your site's staff listing. The web team are not responsible for setting up your eStaffProfile listing. eStaffProfile is a Digital and Technology Services (DTS) owned system.

Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


Updates need to be done in the eStaffProfile interface. You may edit your own details or there may be an eSP administrator within your department. Your IT Representative should know who this is. Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


Changes can take up to 24 hours to show on your staff page.

It's likely that you have not ticked some of the boxes in eStaffProfile allowing information to be displayed, or have not used the right text areas in eStaffProfile. Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


This could be a number of reasons:

  1. The filename of your image doesn't match the name on your staff page URL
  2. Your image isn't stored in the staff-images folder of your people folder in Contensis
  3. You have a double-barrelled name - if this is the case, remove the hyphen (-) in the file name of your image
  4. Your image has a full stop (.) in the file name - if this is the case, remove it
  5. Your image must be .jpg only (png, gif or jpeg)
  6. In your eStaffProfile settings, you have not checked the option to show picture on your staff page

Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


If you've setup a staff listing page and when you preview it is shows a 500 server error see if one of the following solutions fixes the error:

  • Correct staff unit ID is used in the correct subsitedata.xml file
  • People are listed in the group in eStaffProfile
  • Staff roles that people are assigned to are set to show on the web
  • .htaccess file is published within your people (or similar) folder
  • subsitedata.xml file is published

It is strongly advised that unless you are familiar with HTML, you do not edit your pages in code view. However, if you do know HTML then you can edit the HTML by clicking on the View Source icon on the WYSIWYG toolbar. Just be sure that any code you are adding is valid HTML as the system may remove invalid HTML automatically on save and preview.


Yes, to do a batch import you need to ensure that your images and documents are in a ZIP file (one for images and one for documents - it's best to keep them separate). To import ZIP files, you can use the Bulk Upload tool.


To add content into the CMS from your Word document first copy your content into Notepad, which will remove the formatting. Then copy and paste this unformatted text into the CMS as plain text. You can then format the text within the CMS.


A version will only be available if there are published versions of a page. You can not revert back to a saved version.

To revert to a previous version:

  1. View the Version History tab found at the top of the page
  2. Select a previous version
  3. Click revert
  4. You'll be asked to confirm that you want to revert

This is more than likely down to there not being any published versions of your page (your page has only ever just been saved).


This can often be due to items and mini templates being dragged and dropped in your editable area. We'd need to see how your styles are affected to give a suitable solution.


We recommend that unless you are familiar with the source code, you should not attempt to use it to edit pages because of the difficulties an accidental deletion could present.

The easiest way around this is to take steps to avoid complicating the code. For instance, do not click and drag text or images around your page and always paste imported content as plain text.

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We're here to help

The web team are happy to assist staff with any issues and advise on web related queries.

Use the button below to find the appropriate request forms to raise a request with our team.

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