Identifying infants at greater risk of overweight

9. Summary and access to digital IROC tool

Having now completed the first part of the BabyGRO training we hope that you will feel confident in using the Infant Risk of Overweight Checklist, in conjunction with your clinical judgement, to identify infants at high risk of becoming overweight.
IROC checklist and clinical cut-offs – Printable version.

We have designed the the BabyGRO training to help you to tailor your care and support to families of those infants who are at high risk of being overweight when they start school.

BabyGRO part 2 will introduce some preventive strategies for you to use with parents to help them manage their infants' growth in the first year.

A reading list is provided in the resources section if you would like to follow-up the research which underpins this training programme. (A link to BabyGRO 2 can also be found in the last section).

Risk Factors Risk Category Risk Score
Infant gender Male 2
Infant birthweight 2.93 to < 3.24kgs (6llbs 7oz to <7lbs 2oz) 1
3.24 to < 3.49 (7llbs 2oz to <7lbs 11oz) 2
3.49 to < 3.81 (7llbs 11oz to <8lbs 6oz) 3
>3.81 (>8llbs 6oz) 4
Maternal BMI 18.5 to < 25 1
25 to < 30 6
> 30 9
Paternal BMI 18.5 to < 25 or unknown 1
25 to < 30 6
> 30 9
Infant weight gain in first year Weight for age moves up by more than 2 centile on the UK-WHO Growth Chart* 19
Mum smoked during pregnancy Yes 4
Infant was never breastfed Yes 3
Risk Score Risk Category of 100 infants how many are likely to be overweight as a child if they have this score.
0-15 Low 4-11
16-19 Moderately Low 12-14
20-24 Medium 15-19
25-37 Moderately High 20-37
38-59 High 38-74