Admission to Hospital

4. Patient Welcome

Welcoming patients to any hospital unit is a deliberate and interactive process in which the nurse's role is to assess and identify current and/or prospective nursing needs of the patient that will guide the planning of the interventions related to all aspects of the patient's nursing care. By building this initial relationship with patients, nurses will be in a position to listen to patient concerns, validate perceptions of hospitalisation and explain the clinical approaches.

In the next video Alex is engaging and observing Maria through an interactive process. He needs to identify any current and prospective needs of Maria in order to ensure that Maria has the correct care, in a timely manner that suits her needs.

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Alex: Good-morning, are you Maria Silva?

Maria: Yes, yes, that’s me!

Alex: I am nurse Alex and I will be taking care of you during this shift, until 2:00 p.m. Who is with you today? Do you want your partner to stay with you during our conversation or would you rather be by yourself?

Maria: This is my husband and I would like him to stay. It makes me feel more comfortable.

Alex: We need to talk for a moment to complete your clinical evaluation. If you would prefer a female nurse, please let me know?

Maria: I do not have a preference and can speak with you.

Alex: How should I call you?

Maria: Maria is fine.

Alex: I realize you are not from here originally, but your Portuguese is very good! Do you understand it well?

Maria: Yes, I think I do. I’ve been here for a few years now.

Alex: Can you read and write Portuguese well?

Maria: Well, that is not as easy for me, but my husband and son help me.

Alex: Do you know why you are being admitted to the hospital? Are you aware of the surgery you will undergo?

Maria: Yes, the doctor explained it to me and I know I will need a hysterectomy... removing the uterus.

Alex: And what are your concerns about the surgery?

Maria: Well ... I do not think it will be a simple procedure. I will be asleep and will not know what is going on, so I am somewhat scared.