Title and Link | Description |
Mind is a charity committed to promoting better mental health. This guide explains what stress is, possible causes, and some coping strategies. |
A guide to managing stress |
An exploration of the factors that cause stress to student midwives in the clinical setting. |
Calculate your stress score and see how vulnerable you are to stress |
Guidance on recommended levels of activity and how to achieve them |
Tips for dealing with insomnia |
A campaign raising awareness of mindfulness meditation by the Mental Health Foundation. |
Podcasts to download or subscribe to from ITunes re: wellbeing including sleep, relaxation, mindfulness &-amp; activity |
10 ways to look after your mental health |
Research from the University of Oxford |
Food and Mood | Fact sheet from The British Dietetic Association |
A University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences RLO introducing critical reflection models |