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School of Health Sciences

RLO: Stress Management for Healthcare Students on Clinical Placement

Stress Management for Healthcare Students on Clinical Placement


Title and Link Description

Mind's guide: How to manage stress

Mind is a charity committed to promoting better mental health. This guide explains what stress is, possible causes, and some coping strategies.

RCN's guide: Managing your stress – A guide for nurses

A guide to managing stress

Midwives Online article

An exploration of the factors that cause stress to student midwives in the clinical setting.

Stress Management Society Stress test

Calculate your stress score and see how vulnerable you are to stress

Physical activity guidelines for adults

Guidance on recommended levels of activity and how to achieve them

How to sleep when stressed

Tips for dealing with insomnia


A campaign raising awareness of mindfulness meditation by the Mental Health Foundation.

Mental Health Foundation:

Podcasts to download or subscribe to from ITunes re: wellbeing including sleep, relaxation, mindfulness &-amp; activity

Mental Health Foundation

10 ways to look after your mental health

Mindfulness online: an evaluation of the feasibility of a web-based mindfulness course for stress, anxiety and depression

Research from the University of Oxford

Food and Mood

Fact sheet from The British Dietetic Association

Critical Reflection

A University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences RLO introducing critical reflection models


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