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Integrating Health Improvement and Prevention in UEC.

2. Wider Determinants of Health

The general health of the population is made up of a complex array of factors, with only 15-20% attributable to healthcare.

Wider determinants are a diverse range of social, economic, environmental factors which impact on health.

The Dahlgren-Whitehead model is often used to illustrate these broad social and economic circumstances that together determine the quality of the health of the population.

Look at the model and match the wider determinants of health to the correct band.

Keyboard users can tab to the components and use the directional keys and the space bar to select either "Low Risk" or "Risk" box. Then select risk component in the same way, finally checking their choice using the "Check Selection" button which appears.

  • Social status and societal factors

  • Jobs, housing, education and welfare services

  • Smoking, alcohol use and physical activity

  • Personal characteristics e.g. sex, age, ethnicity, genetics

Wider determinants of health components

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