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Integrating Health Improvement and Prevention in UEC.

6. Ways to address lifestyle factors with patients

Once the topic has been introduced, the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model provides a framework to address lifestyle factors. Click on the audio to hear how SBIRT may be used in practice.

Screening tools are used to assess the level of risk to the patient. One Example is AUDIT-C for alcohol consumption.

If risky lifestyle behaviours are identified, a brief intervention should be provided.

If indicated, a referral to local specialist treatment services should be offered.

Familiarise yourself with referral pathways available in your clinical area.

The SBIRT model is explored further in our partner resource Alcohol Prevention in Urgent and Emergency Care Settings (APUEC) - Structured Conversations about Lifestyle in Emergency Settings. (Link in the resources section).

Click on the boxes to hear the audio.


Speech bubble link through to page with narration for Brief.

‘I’m going to ask you a few more questions about your alcohol intake’.



Speech bubble link through to page with narration for Brief.

Brief Intervention – ‘Drinking that much does put you at a higher risk and may even be the cause for some of the symptoms you are experiencing today. Have you ever considered the impact drinking might be having on your overall health?’



Speech bubble link through to page with narration for Brief.

Referral and Treatment – ‘I can refer you to the hospital alcohol care team who can talk to you about how to cut down. I can also give you a leaflet with a bit of further advice, there is also some helplines if you wanted any further advice or to call someone in the future’.

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