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CRIB - Caregivers' Responsive Infant Feeding Behaviours.

10. Resources

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Responsive feeding

Feeding baby when they are hungry and stopping when they are full rather than feeding to a schedule or making baby finish a bottle or set amount of milk/food.


Babies way of telling us when they are hungry and when they are full. These signals can be actions the baby does that we can see or sounds baby makes that we can hear.


Reusable Learning Object.

Early signs

The things that babies do to show us/tell us when they are first hungry or full.

Late signs

The ways that baby tells us they are hungry or full if we have not be able to respond to the early signs. A late cue might be crying.


Resource TitleLinkDescription
Cry-sis and support for caregivers/families of crying and sleepless babies - Phone: 0800 448 0737. Open 7 days a week 9am-10pm.
General Practitioner (GP)If there's anything you are worried or concerned about do feel like you can contact your GP.
Health Visitor (HV)Please contact your Health Visitor with any concerns or questions. You can always ask for help. Your Health Visitor may have a text line.
Mind health advice and support. Talk with a trained advisor by phone 0300 1021234 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) or live chat.
National Breastfeeding helpline information and support 24/7.
Samaritans to someone, whatever you're going through Call 116 123 for free on the 24/7 helpline. Webchat available.
Shout, free confidential text line for anyone who is struggling to cope. Text: 85258.
WeaningWeaning adviceLink to weaning advice - - - - - Check with a nutrition specialist about which sites to link to for best info? - these may need to be separate resource entries.

Learning outcomes

By completing this resource you will be able to:
  • know what responsive feeding is and the benefits of responsive feeding
  • know how to responsively feed your baby and overcome some of the challenges of fitting responsive feeding in with your lifestyle.

This resource was developed by:

Project Lead: Sarah Redsell.

Content Authors: Sarah Redsell and Lucy Porter.

Contributing Authors: Akilah Darling, Joanne Fisher, Kallie Hazel, Sorcha Hodge, Kirsten Hatton, Andre Nugent, Alexander (James) Williams

Narrator: Lucy Porter.

Project mentor: Heather Wharrad.

Development This learning resource was developed using the ASPIRE methodology; Aims, Storyboarding, Population, Implementation, Review, Evaluation. Content was developed in consultation with, and peer reviewed by, experts in diverse areas of health and care.

Implementation: Michael Taylor and Lydia Jones.

Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) - Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) 1st March 2023-28th February 2025

Peer Reviewers:

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