Whilst social media use is important, parents may view this critically, not just at face value [8].
Amalgamating issues together as ‘anti-vax’ may be counterproductive. There are a range of perspectives, and websites may encourage parents to educate themselves [10].
How vaccines are viewed may be related to whether they are seen as ‘new’, or ‘well established’ [1].
It is too early to be certain, but Covid-19 may have ‘politicised’ all vaccine debates, meaning that some parents may reflect on all vaccines (even if uptake remains high) [9].
Whilst trust in individual healthcare professionals may be high, wider distrust in healthcare systems or in the governance of science may be at play [2]. These issues go far beyond vaccination, and cannot be ‘solved’ by any individual healthcare professional [1].
How vaccines are viewed may be related to whether they are seen as ‘new’, or ‘well established’ [1].
It is too early to be certain, but Covid-19 may have ‘politicised’ all vaccine debates, meaning that some parents may reflect on all vaccines (even if uptake remains high) [9].
Whilst trust in individual healthcare professionals may be high, wider distrust in healthcare systems or in the governance of science may be at play [2]. These issues go far beyond vaccination, and cannot be ‘solved’ by any individual healthcare professional [1].