Initial Teacher Education pre-course information

Pre-course Preparation

In preparation for the course, please complete the following:

Pre-course reading 

Begin reading the TES magazineSchools Week or Education Guardian regularly, or listen to podcasts such as the National Association Primary Education podcast or Primary Education Voices to hear about current issues in education.

Additional reading

Read our Primary Education Network blog to be more informed on current issues in teaching, learning and research in primary schools.

You may wish to begin reading chapters from our core text, Cremin and Burnett (2018), which will help you to think about some of the broad issues involved in becoming a teacher.

Cremin, T. and Burnett, C. (Eds.).(2018). (eds) Learning to teach in the primary school. 4th Edition. Abingdon: Routledge.  

You may also want to have a go at some of these suggested activities and think about how they relate to the primary curriculum.

Student Services Centre – ITE Office

School of Education
Dearing Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB