Initial Teacher Education pre-course information

Modern Languages

Welcome to the PGCE modern languages course.

On this page you will find:

  • background reading suggestions
  • details of a pre-course task we would like you to complete before the course starts
  • details of subject knowledge enhancement task

We hope you will find this a useful introduction to the course and we look forward to meeting you.

Your modern languages tutors 

Lesley Hagger-Vaughan

Lesley Hagger-Vaughan

Ruth Koro

Ruth Koro


Pre-course reading

We would recommend that you engage with these texts over the summer to help you prepare for the autumn term.

Modern Languages reading list (PDF)


Pre-course task 

Before the start of the PGCE course, we would like you to complete a pre-course task. This is designed to help you think carefully about your role as a teacher of other learners. Please complete the task and note the submission details at the end of the document. 

Download the task information (PDF)


Subject knowledge self-assessment audit 

The importance of subject knowledge was discussed with you at interview. We hope that you will have already been taking the opportunity to work on any recommendations made at interview. While subject knowledge development is a career-long process, the more preparation you have done prior to the course the easier your workload will be in the autumn term.

To support you in this process we require you to complete a subject knowledge audit. Please follow the instructions and read the suggestions for further development. Please complete the audit and bring with you on the first day of the course.

Download subject knowledge audit (Word)



Student Services Centre – ITE Office

School of Education
Dearing Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB