Read&Write Gold
What is it and what does it do?
Read&Write Gold is designed to assist students with their reading and writing. Features include text-to-speech, phonetic spell checker, word prediction, speaking dictionary and a scanning facility.
How can I access Read&Write Gold?
Read&Write Gold is available to students on all student use networked PCs, including computer rooms, libraries and the Assistive Technology Rooms on a networked license.
This software is not available on personal devices.
Opening software on University PCs
To open the software:
Open the Start menu
Type - 'Read&Write'
Installation for staff and PGRs
Read&Write Gold is available to install on to staff and PGRs University PCs when you are on campus or connected via the VPN.
For installation guidance find the Read&Write Gold Workspace .
Help and support
To find out more about using the software, including video tutorials and support information, please visit the TextHelp Read&Write page .
Support is available from local Library staff. Ask any member of staff wearing a blue lanyard or contact us by email, phone or Live Chat.
Assistive Software
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