
Read&Write Gold

What is it and what does it do?

Read&Write Gold is designed to assist students with their reading and writing. Features include text-to-speech, phonetic spell checker, word prediction, speaking dictionary and a scanning facility.

How can I access Read&Write Gold?

Read&Write Gold is available to students on all student use networked PCs, including computer rooms, libraries and the Assistive Technology Rooms on a networked license.

This software is not available on personal devices.

Opening software on University PCs

To open the software:

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Type - 'Read&Write'

Installation for staff and PGRs

Read&Write Gold is available to install on to staff and PGRs University PCs when you are on campus or connected via the VPN.

For installation guidance find the Read&Write Gold Workspace.  

Help and support

To find out more about using the software, including video tutorials and support information, please visit the TextHelp Read&Write page.

Support is available from local Library staff. Ask any member of staff wearing a blue lanyard or contact us by email, phone or Live Chat.

Assistive Software


University of Nottingham Libraries

King's Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

Please see our Help and support page for
telephone and email
contact points