Manuscripts and Special Collections


This timeline is a chronological list of all the texts and documents which appear in the 'Wives, Widows and Wimples' learning resource, with some details of contemporary historical events and contexts. 

Date Event
1066 Norman Conquest. Anglo-Saxon aristocracy replaced by Norman (French-speaking) aristocracy
c.1175                 Grant by Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford to Colne Priory, for the salvation of souls (Me 3 D 2)
1175-1225 Breviary created (WLC/LM/1)
1200-1250 'Le Roman de Silence' and 'La Veuve' composed
1200-1250 Volume of French romances and fabliaux created, including 'Le Roman de Silence' and 'La Veuve' (WLC/LM/6) - one of the earliest examples of an illustrated French text
1200-1250 'L’Estoire del Saint Graal' composed
1200-1250 Volume containing 'L’Estoire del Saint Graal' written (WLC/LM/7)
1215 Magna Carta issued by King John
1215 Requirement that people make annual confession to their parish priest: genre of devotional literature gains popularity
c.1220-1240 'Le Manuel des Péchés' composed by William of Waddington
c.1250 'Mirur' composed by Robert of Gretham
1240-1260 Volume containing 'Mirur' created (WLC/LM/3)
1250-1300 Volume containing 'Mirur', and 'Le Manuel des Péchés' created (WLC/LM/4)
1275-1300 'South English Legendary' composed
1281 Lambeth Constitutions of Archbishop John Peckham, requiring priests to instruct their parishioners four times a year: works of instruction and catechism gain popularity
1300-1325 Volume containing the 'South English Legendary' created, including a folio from the story of St Bridget, now present in fragment form (WLC/LM/38)
1300-1325 Lease of lands and tenements in Skegby (Me D 4/5)
1300-1400 Gradual with notation created (later used in WLC/LM/7 binding)
1300-1354 'Speculum Vitae' composed
c.1340 Extent of the manor of Langar and Barnstone written (MS 66/1)
1349 Peak year of the 'Black Death' in England
1357 John Gaytryge composed 'The Lay Folks’ Catechism'
1362 English replaced French as the language of the law courts in England
1380 Deed relating to land in Bunny and Bradmore (Pa D 29)
1388 Gift of commercial property in St Clement Danes, London (Ne D 4716)
1375-1400 John Gower composed 'Traitié…pour essampler les amantz marietz' and 'Carmen super multiplici viciorum pestilencia'
1375-1400 John Gower composed 'Confessio Amantis'. The second recension was written c.1393
1405 Grant of land in Bunny (Pa D 35)
1417 Agreement relating to dower (Ne D 742)
1400-1425 Volume containing 'Speculum Vitae' and 'The Lay Folks’ Catechism' created (WLC/LM/9)
c.1425 Volume containing John Gower’s 'Confessio Amantis', 'Traitié pour essampler les amantz marietz' and 'Carmen super multiplici viciorum pestilencia' created (WLC/LM/8)
c.1430 Wollaton Antiphonal created (MS 250)
1436 Marriage settlement between Philip Boteler and Isabel Willoughby (Mi D 4792)
1442 Inquisition into Markyate Priory (Lincoln Record Society 21)
1450-1500 St Zita alabaster created
1450-1475 English Life of St Zita written, of which one leaf now survives (WLC/LM/37)
1450-1475 Prayer book created and bound (WLC/LM/11)
1456-1500 Bill of complaint of Elizabeth Whitfield, née Swillington (Pa L 2)
1462 Will of Sir William Cantelowe of London (Ne D 4632)
1476 Agreement before the marriage of Henry Stanhope and Jane Rochford (Ne D 1903)
1485 Bill of complaint relating to the abduction and forced marriage of Jane Sacheverell (Mi 5/168/23/1)
1487 Abduction of women made a felony rather than a mere trespass in law
1521-1526 Household expenditure account of John Levissey, servant to Sir Henry Willoughby, including payments associated with celebrating Saints’ days (Mi A 6)
1534 Act of Supremacy: Henry VIII proclaims himself, rather than the Pope, to be the head of the Church of England
1536-1541 Dissolution of the Monasteries
1547-1553 Reign of Edward VI: destruction of altars, stained glass, shrines and Catholic service books
1591 Archdeaconry of Nottingham penance issued to Margery Billage (AN/PN 352/20)
1596 'Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen' published by Stephen Gosson (Special Collection PR1105.P4/30)
1729 'A view of ancient laws against immorality and profaneness' published by John Disney (Medical Chir. Society Over.X WZ250.D46 DIS)
1733 Abolition of the use of Latin in legal documents produced in England


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