School of Medicine
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People in Lifespan and Population Health

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Image of Aron Sherry

Aron Sherry

Research Fellow - PHIRST Light, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Aron completed an undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Science at Nottingham Trent University and a master's degree at Loughborough University in Physical Activity and Health. During this time and beyond, Aron held research, health promotion and teaching roles across a range of sectors.

Aron completed his PhD in sedentary behaviour, physical activity and health in children at Loughborough University in 2019. He then held Research Associate positions at Loughborough University until 2023, developing expertise in lifestyle-related observational and experimental research using mixed-methods approaches in clinical populations and specific occupational groups. Aron also specialised in sleep science research within the logistics industry during this time.

Aron is currently a Research Fellow within the PHIRST-Light programme. He collaborates with academics, local governments and key stakeholders to develop and implement evaluations of public health interventions within local authorities across the UK.

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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