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Image of Kim Thomas

Kim Thomas

Professor of Applied Dermatology Research & Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Kim joined the Centre as a Research Fellow in 1999, with responsibility for developing and conducting clinical trials at the Centre. She then went on to co-ordinate development of the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network, which was formally established in 2002. Since this time, Kim has conducted many independently-funded clinical trials to evaluate interventions for the treatment and prevention of skin disease. These trials cover a range of skin conditions including eczema, cellulitis, vitiligo, verrucae, acne and rare skin diseases. She was promoted to Professor of Applied Dermatology Research at the University of Nottingham in August 2013, and is now Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology. Kim's particular interests are in the design and conduct of dermatology clinical trials, and in clinical trial methodology (especially outcomes research and diagnostic testing). She is a founder member of the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network, is a member of the Executive Committee for the international Harmonizing Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative, and a member of the Cochrane Skin Group Core Outcome Set Initiative (CSG-COUSIN) methods group. Kim was Co-Director of Research for the School of Medicine from March 2018 to Feb 2021.

Expertise Summary

  • Clinical trial design and conduct
  • Outcome measures
  • Consensus methodologies
  • Patient and public involvement

Teaching Summary

The Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology runs a popular 3-day annual course - Getting to grips with evidence-based dermatology.

Research Summary

For a full listing of current and ongoing research, please see our website:

Major international collaborations include:

Selected Publications

  • THOMAS, K.S., CROOK, A.M., NUNN, A.J., FOSTER, K.A., MASON, J.M., CHALMERS, J.R., NASR, I.S., BRINDLE, R.J., ENGLISH, J., MEREDITH, S.K., REYNOLDS, N.J., DE BERKER D., MORTIMER, P.S. and WILLIAMS, H.C., 2013. Penicillin to prevent recurrent leg cellulitis New England Journal of Medicine. 368(18), 1695-1703
  • ORMEROD AD, THOMAS KS, CRAIG FE, MITCHELL E, GREENLAW N, NORRIE J, MASON JM, WALTON S, JOHNSTON GA, WILLIAMS HC and UK DERMATOLOGY CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK’S STOP GAP TEAM, 2015. Comparison of the two most commonly used treatments for pyoderma gangrenosum: results of the STOP GAP randomised controlled trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 350, h2958
  • THOMAS, K. S., BATCHELOR, J. M., BATH-HEXTALL, F., CHALMERS, J. R., CLARKE, T., CROWE, S., DELAMERE, F. M., ELEFTHERIADOU, V., EVANS, N., FIRKINS, L., GREENLAW, N., LANSBURY, L., LAWTON, S., LAYFIELD, C., LEONARDI-BEE, J., MASON, J., MITCHELL, E., NANKERVIS, H., NORRIE, J., NUNN, A., ORMEROD, A. D., PATEL, R., PERKINS, W., RAVENSCROFT, J. C., SCHMITT, J., SIMPSON, E., WHITTON, M. E. and WILLIAMS, H. C., 2016. A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease Programme Grants Appl Res. 4(18),
  • THOMAS KS, BRADSHAW LE, SACH TH, COWDELL F, BATCHELOR JM, LAWTON S, HARRISON EF, HAINES RH, AHMED A, DEAN T, BURROWS NP, POLLOCK I, BUCKLEY HK, WILLIAMS HC, LLEWELLYN J, CRANG C, GRUNDY JD, GUINESS J, GRIBBIN A, WAKE EV, MITCHELL EJ, BROWN SJ and MONTGOMERY AA, 2017. Randomised controlled trial of silk therapeutic garments for the management of atopic eczema in children: the CLOTHES trial. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England). 21(16), 1-260

Past Research

Recently completed clinical trials:

BEE: Best Emollients for Eczema

HI-LIGHT: Home Interventions and Light Therapy for Vitiligo

BATHE: Bath emollients for Eczema

BEEP: Barrier Enhancement for Eczema Prevention

CLOTHES: CLOTHing for the relief of Eczema Symptoms

SWET: Softened Water Eczema Trial (

PATCH Cellulitis Trials: Prophylactic penicillin for the prevention of further episodes of cellulitis of the leg (PATCH I and II trials). (

HELP: Therapy for Erosive Lichen Planus trial (

STOP GAP: Study of Treatments for Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patients

NIHR Programme Grant Awards (SPRUSD): Setting Priorities and Reducing Uncertainties for the treatment and prevention of Skin Disease

School of Medicine

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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