Natural Sciences

What our students say


Lucy Wolstencroft

MSci Natural Sciences

Fourth Year

Biology & Chemistry

Studied Maths in Y1

Biology, Chemistry, Maths & Further Maths - A Level

Lucy Wolstencroftmp

Why did you decide to Study Abroad?

I wanted to experience living abroad for a longer period than I have previously done. When you live in a new place, you get to see it from a different perspective than you would as a tourist on holiday

How difficult was it to organise things?

I was lucky in that both Nottingham and Monash Study Abroad teams were very helpful in sending out reminders when it came to applying for a visa, health insurance, accommodation etc. Early on I decided to live in on-campus halls, as it became apparent that most flats were unfurnished, and it would be hard to find housemates. When I arrived in halls there was an orientation team that made it very easy to settle in, from helping the exchanges with setting up bank accounts to taking us to the supermarket. 

What is different about studying in Australia?

A module is a unit, a term is a semester, and a degree is a course! The main difference with studying in Australia is the continuous assessment and that by the end of the semester you are finished with the unit, there is no studying over Christmas. At home I like that there is a final exam one you’ve covered everything, whereas here I might learn something for four weeks, be tested, and then move on. However, this is not all bad, as it meant I have had to focus more on studying constantly throughout the semester, rather than all at the end. 

What extracurricular activities have you done?

Most free time was spent planning travelling and then doing the travelling! During the semester I spent a lot of time socialising with my new friends, travelling around Melbourne and we even managed a quick trip to Tasmania in the mid-sem break. Over summer I travelled from Melbourne to Cairns, backpacked around New Zealand and spent an amazing two weeks in Fiji.  In my second semester I had plans to learn to surf on the uni trips, hike in some of Victoria’s stunning national parks as well as explore some of the trendy city bars.

Are you enjoying your time abroad?

I had an amazing time in Melbourne and was sad when I had to return early due to Covid-19. I had so many opportunities that I would not have had if I had stayed in Nottingham and have made life-long friends. It exceeded all my expectations.  

What do you think you have gained by studying abroad?

I have gained independence and confidence in knowing that I could live overseas in future for work. I have a new network of friends across the UK as well as abroad and have become more self-resilient and adaptable to new situations.

Has studying abroad changed you long-term plans?

Being abroad has made me realise how quickly uni goes by and I’m now more excited about returning to Nottingham so I can make most of my time in fourth year. Although I am still unsure of long-term plans, I would like to live abroad again.

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Natural Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
University Park

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