Natural Sciences

What our students say


Sarah Fishwick

MSci Natural Sciences

Fourth Year

Physics & Maths

Studied Chemistry in Y1

Chemistry, Physics, Maths & Further Maths - A Level

Sarah Fishwich

Why did you choose Natural Sciences at Nottingham?

Natural Sciences appealed to me because I wasn’t sure which single science degree to choose so it allowed me to continue with Physics Maths and Chemistry which I really enjoyed at A level and then choose my two favourites to continue with after the first year. I visited Nottingham at an open day and really liked how friendly everyone was, it looked like a nice atmosphere to study in with plenty to get involved with in my spare time.

What are the facilities like?

All the buildings have really nice lecture theatres and the laboratories are excellently equipped. There are plenty of spaces for independent working around campus, I really like George Green library but most buildings have their own study spaces too.

What aspect of the course do you enjoy most and why?

I’ve particularly enjoyed my lab modules because they give you enough guidance to know what to do but you still have to think for yourself. I have often had to use unfamiliar equipment so it’s an opportunity to learn how new things work and how to write lab reports which will be useful for the future.

What do you do outside of the course and how has this impacted your university experience?

Outside of my course I am the Social Secretary for Canoe Polo and have really enjoyed playing on the team for the last two years. There’s plenty of time to have fun as well as studying and there’s such a wide range of sports and societies at Nottingham that there’s definitely something for everyone to enjoy. I also completed the Nottingham Advantage Award in the first two years of my degree getting some extracurricular skills and experience which will be useful for the future.

What are you thinking about doing when you finish?

After graduating I intend to do a PhD, Natural Sciences means I am not too restricted on my options for the future and I can still do anything related to the two subjects I’m studying.

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Natural Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
University Park

Tel: +44 (0) 115 823 2376
Fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3555