Press releases

Plant protein discovery could reduce need for fertiliser

Researchers have discovered how a protein in plant roots controls the uptake of minerals and water, a finding which could improve the tolerance of agricultural crops to climate change and reduce the need for chemical fertilisers.

Spotlight on entire criminal justice detention system for first time in new £1.3m study

An expert in penal reform at the University of Nottingham has won £1.3m in European Research Council funding to develop the first ever model of criminal justice detention regulation, which could help to tackle the current prison crisis in England and Wales.

New global network will tackle challenges around ageing society and rehabilitation

An international forum has marked the start of an exciting global network which will look at research into healthy ageing and rehabilitation around the world.

Birth of a crystal filmed in atomic resolution

The exact moment a crystal is formed from a previously scattered group of atoms has been captured on video in real time in a world-first experiment by experts in nanotechnology.

Prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for Nottingham academic

Professor Ken Starkey has been awarded the Richard Whipp Lifetime Achievement Award, from the British Academy of Management (BAM) at this year’s BAM2020 Conference.

Funding will allow advancement of Nottingham COVID-19 vaccine to clinical trials

Scientists at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University are to begin clinical trials for a DNA vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Early cases of COVID-19 were missed in the UK due to rigid case criteria and lack of testing, says new study

The early spread of COVID-19 could have been prevented if initial case definitions had been less stringent and extensive community testing had been in place sooner, according to new research from the University of Nottingham.

New UK-Indonesian research consortium launches to tackle coronavirus and climate change

A new Anglo-Indonesian alliance has been established to share research and expertise in a bid to build global resilience against pandemics, the climate emergency and natural hazards

Nottingham and Canadian researchers lead new vaping study for teenagers, by teenagers

Researchers from Western University, Canada and the University of Nottingham, UK, are leading a new $100,000 study into teenage vaping in Canada, where high schoolers will be appointed as co-researchers to the project.

Professor Nicola McLelland wins international Grimm Prize

University of Nottingham modern languages specialist Professor Nicola McLelland has been awarded one of the most prestigious international prizes in her field of German studies.
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