Press releases

Stimulating research gives new treatment hope for Tourette Syndrome

New research has found that delivering electrical pulses to the wrist can significantly reduce the amount and severity of tics experienced by individuals with Tourette Syndrome (TS), giving new hope for an effective treatment.

University of Nottingham collaborates with leading law firm to cut through the jargon

Insurance policies can be incredibly difficult to understand, but a collaborative project has helped put them into plain English

Two lefties make a right – if you're a one-in-a-million garden snail

A global campaign to help find a mate for a left-coiling snail called ‘Jeremy’ has enabled scientists to understand how mirror-image garden snails are formed.
A global campaign to help find a mate for a left-coiling snail called ‘Jeremy’ has enabled scientists to understand how mirror-image garden snails are formed.

Virtual patients will help train future medics

Experts from the University of Nottingham and Isabel Healthcare will create an online learning platform enabling medical students and junior doctors to develop essential skills, even without face-to-face time with patients, thanks to funding from Innovate UK.

New research suggests dying alone is sometimes a choice, not a tragedy

A new study by experts from the University of Nottingham, examines why some people die alone and what circumstances can lead to them spending their final days isolated from others.

UK nurses still worried about their health during COVID-19

Second survey of UK nurses and midwives highlights ongoing concern about their health, training and strain on mental health
The second round of results from a three-survey study highlights the ongoing concerns nurses and midwives in the UK have about COVID-19 and the risks it poses to their own physical and mental health, as well as the health of their families.

Lockdown literature: Translating the first Coronavirus pandemic novel

Dr Mark Sabine writes about the experience of translating a chapter of a serial novel in lockdown.

Free online course to help carers support people with dementia

A free online course that provides dementia carers with tools and advice to better support the people they care for is now open for registration.

MRI pregnancy study gives new insights into the all-important placenta

MRI research has revealed detailed new insights into how the placenta works in pregnancy and discovered a completely new phenomenon where the placenta contracts every now and then, a pheonomenon the research team have named the ‘uteroplacental pump’.

COVID-19 vaccine to begin phase II/III human trials in Nottingham

The University of Nottingham Health Service, at Cripps Medical Centre, University Park, is recruiting for the next phase in human trials of a COVID-19 vaccine in human volunteers.
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