Press releases

New funding for Zimbabwe micronutrient research

The University of Nottingham is carrying out new research into mineral micronutrient deficiencies (MMNDs), with partners in Zimbabwe, after receiving a share of £14.8M from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Angry chef brings slice of the truth to Food Tales series

Anthony Warner aka The Angry Chef will be sharing his strong views on food, diet and scientific mistruths as part of a new speaker series.

You don’t have to go cold turkey on red meat to see big health benefits

A new study has found that halving the amount red and processed (RPM) meat in the diet can have a significant impact on health, reducing the amount of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood which cuts the risk of developing heart disease.

Where are they now? University researchers hunt for the ‘Newson Children’ of 1950's Nottingham

Psychologists from the University of Nottingham are appealing for people to come forward who may have taken part in pioneering research into child development in Nottingham City from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Saw but forgot – drivers’ memory lapses puts motorcyclists at risk

There are an estimated 90 fatalities a year in the UK caused by drivers pulling out into the path of an oncoming motorcycle. New research by psychologists at the University of Nottingham suggests this sort of crash may often be the result of a short-term memory failure rather than the driver not seeing an approaching motorcycle.

Sustainable solution discovered for key chemical process

Researchers have developed an environmentally friendly method for a key process used in the production of pharmaceuticals and other important chemicals that only leaves water as a byproduct, opening up new possibilities for drug discovery and production.

Enzyme’s ‘molecular scissors’ cut out fatal blood clot risk

New research highlights how an essential enzyme works to prevent dangerous clots
In a new study in Nature Communications, researchers from Imperial College London, the University of Nottingham and KU Leuven have revealed fresh insights as to why blood clotting can sometimes go awry in a study funded by the Medical Research Council and British Heart Foundation.

Research stamps out fears of hazardous materials in heritage shoe collection

A historic shoe collection has been saved from possible destruction thanks to work undertaken by scientists at the University of Nottingham.

A tale of three gases - how plants prepare to survive flooding

Scientists have discovered how some plants can quickly detect that they are under water when flooded, and initiate processes that prevents them from drowning, a finding that could pave the way towards flood-proof crops that can thrive even under stressful conditions.

New study finds compassion is at the heart of love

Beneath those carefully crafted profiles on dating sites there are traits that evolution has crafted that drive what we look for in a partner, now new research has shed light on which traits are most important to people when looking for love and revealed it’s compassion that sets hearts racing.
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