School E-Mentors

A brief list of current e-mentors, sorted by School Division and Centre, is below. Below that are statements from each e-mentor about their expertise, projects and future ideas.

Division of Nursing


Damion McCormick Email link Staff member web page.


Chris Palmer Email link Staff member web page.


Ian Trueman Email link Staff member web page.

Bob Hallawell Email link Staff member web page.


Jennifer Dandrea Email link Staff member web page.

Maureen Harris Email link Staff member web page.


Gill Langmack Email link Staff member web page.

Joanne Lymn Email link Staff member web page.

Heather Wharrad Email link Staff member web page.

Richard Windle Email link Staff member web page.

Divsion of Midwifery


Jenny Prior Email linkStaff member web page.

E-Mentor Statements

Jennifer Dandrea

I am interested in developing expertise in the use of online resources and blended learning (isn't everyone?!). I developed several RLOs, have taught MS Office to postgraduate students and staff and am currently working on the virtual portfolio tool project and an RLO on critical reflection.

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Bob Hallawell

My experience in e-learning is as follows:

I am now very interested in blended learning approaches for use with geographically disparate and small groups of learners.

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Maureen Harris

I started teaching post-reg, mainly second language English nursing students based at a South African university, through Web CT 4 - and then later, Web CT6 - about 7 years ago. Initially, the idea was initiate many of the students into the wonders and value of the world wide web. As most were computer illiterate, Web CT was seen as a forum to both learn computer literacy skills, but also to explore theory and practice in a safe environment. I joined a group of innovative educators in various disciplines outside of nursing, whose main focus was on teaching excellence, using e-learning as a strategy. Some of the Web CT courses I developed [using a blended teaching approach] included nursing management, project planning and development and research. 

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Gill Langmack

As a jointly trained Children’s and Adult branch nurse, I have witnessed the development, the practicalities and the effects of technology in increasing our ability to enhance and organise health care generally and more specifically, nursing care.  Following this interest in using technology, into education has resulted in using e-learning to maximise the student experience, increasing the student’s understanding and confidence about a subject.  This includes developing interactive, hopefully fun, e-learning material to support the delivery of modules, developing web-based pages, flash based material, re-useable learning objects and in delivering WebCT based modules.

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Joanne Lymn

I have been involved in both writing and evaluating the use of pharmacology RLOs among non-medical prescribing students and have published in this area. I was responsible for moving the non-medical prescribing course to WebCT and our use of this resource has increased year-on-year. WebCT now houses all the lecture information,  pre-reading,  links to  relevant websites and  papers,  as well as links to relevant RLOs and lecture recordings.  WebCT is also used for formative on-line assessments and students are use discussion forums for easy communication. From an academic perspective we utilise WebCT to track both student progress and access to supplementary learning materials.

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I have been recording key pharmacology lectures and linking these recordings into WebCT for over a year, evaluation of these podcasts suggests that students value them as a supplementary learning tool and that they may increase student knowledge and understanding.

Damion McCormick

I have over 10 years experience teaching anatomy and physiology to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Throughout this time I have been involved in developing and using e-learning resources within higher education. My current research interests are focused on exploring the pedagogical basis of e-learning resources that enhance the teaching of biosciences to nursing students. The themes of this research include:

In 2008 I was awarded research funding to explore the potential benefits of using interactive whiteboards (IWB) within higher education. The focus of this project is to use the additional functionality of the IWB to enhance the use of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) by providing a new platform for student interaction.

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Chris Palmer

 I have extensive experience planning, designing and managing WEBCT. Project lead for the develop of learning hubs with the School of Nursing. Particular interest the development of internet resource and facilitating the progression of electronic submission of assignments. And experience of training and facilitating e-resources in practice.

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Jenny Prior

My e-learning expertise has developed over an eight year period, looking specifically at student use of e-technology . As a consequence  biological sciences modules were incorporated into WebCT and used within the ADM curriculum . I have developed e-learning to be part of a blended learning approach to help students bridge the practice theory gap. As a result I have been involved in developing CAL packages and an RLO for student use.

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Ian Trueman

I set up the webCT module on the MSc PELS, this was undertaken from the very beginning and was specifically designed to ensure that we developed an online, interactive module rather than a taught module that was shoehorned into a webCT format.  We have run a complete cohort and the evaluations were very positive.  This year we have ironed out a few problems highlighted in the evaluation and have attracted 3 international students.  Plans for the future are to help and be part of the team that develop further a totally online MSc PELS and am in the very early stages of developing an RLO for the users and carers group.

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Heather Wharrad

My interest in elearning started in the mid 90s when I was involved in developing a series of CAL packages to support nursing students’ learning about histology in the biological sciences. Since then I have developed online assessments on WebCT, reusable learning objects in biology, pharmacology, statistics and evidence based practice, developed the concept of a videoconferencing teaching and learning observatory in health care practice and facilitated many workshops on how to develop multimedia learning objects.

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Richard Windle

I have been involved in e-learning development and implementation throughout my career in Higher Education.  Main areas of activity:

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