To support the e-learning strategy, The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy has instituted an e-mentoring programme. Here you will see a list of individuals who have agreed to undertake the role of e-mentor as part of their ongoing activity within the school. The e-mentors cover each of the main teaching centres within the School and also a range of different disciplines and branches. Between them they also represent a wide range of expertise in different aspects of e-learning.
The role of the e-mentors is to provide help and support for colleagues in the development and embedding of all aspects of e-learning. This will be done through one-to-one support and advice and through a series of workshops covering different aspects of e-learning. The aim of the project is to help staff manage the transition to incorporation of more technology enhanced learning within their modules and to provide help and advice to ensure that any changes made enhance the learning experience of our students.
If you require help or advice from an e-mentor there are a number of ways of doing this. Your first point of contact should be the e-mentor who is based in your centre or division. They can provide general help and advice and one-to-one support. However, if you require help on a specific subject area you can also contact one of the e-mentors with particular expertise in that area.
A series of local and School-wide workshops will be advertised and you can attend any of these that are appropriate to your needs. If you are unsure where to go for help, contact Richard Windle and he will be pleased to advise you. If you and/or a group of colleagues wish to request a particular workshop, please contact Richard also. The e-mentor scheme does not preclude others from sharing their expertise. If you would like to offer a workshop in an area of your expertise, again contact Richard.